28 October 2019

An aeroplane a day, part twelve


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Workshop: |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6|


It has been a long time since I last did anything with LEGO, three years and three months according to the date of the last LEGO blog.

The kids have outgrown LEGO, preferring computer and television, anything with a screen I suppose.

A shame really, I truly believe LEGO is for all ages.

It's really an outlet for creativity, think tool instead of toy if that makes you feel better.

front view of the six vehicles

Anyway, elder son being away on school trip this long weekend, I thought I should do something with the younger son so he won't be bored without his brother around.

So I drafted an idea of a multiple vehicles LEGO project where the vehicles can combine with one another to form a bigger vehicle, so we both can work on different vehicles at the same time.

You know, interactive father and son bonding time, that sort of thing.

rear view of the six vehicles

Well, he was keen and interested for like fifteen minutes, as soon as wifey was out with her mobile phone he glued to her side watching whatever she was watching on her phone.

Then the television. Yea, oh well...


Since I have started, I damn well will finish it.

So I spent two days working on it and think I did a decent job, worthy of sharing. ^_^

different combination

I called them tanks, but probably armoured combat vehicles are more appropriate since they have wheels instead of tracks.

All of them have rotating turret with either large-calibre gun, cannon, missile launcher or sonic weaponry (like sonic tank in Dune!).

Two of them can change their weapon angle of elevation for anti-air warfare.

many possible combinations

Since the design intent is to allow the vehicles to combine in any number or configuration, the connecting mechanism is the same and of the same level despite the different vehicle heights.

The exceptions are (1) the orange vehicle has no front connecting mechanism so can only be the front vehicle, (2) the red and white vehicles can only be connected to the yellow vehicle.

While didn't really have that father and son bonding time, but I did enjoy creating these tanks.

So that's something, at least.

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