21 April 2013

An aeroplane a day, part four


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In this series: |part 1| |part 2| |part 3|


After the fighter jets and tanks got destroyed by the two little monsters, I created robots in September of 2012.

Since wifey and I had seperated the LEGO pieces by colour, the challenge I gave myself was to create a robot out of each colour.

Alrighty, no wordy wordy. Behold! The robots!

I tried to have as many moving parts as possible, usually it's the arms, head, and waist. Only managed to make a robot with movable legs.


All of the robots have jetpack! ^_^


The orange robot was the smallest of all with a pathetic looking jetpack. I did my best with the limited number of orange LEGO piece I have, okay?

The red robot has crab-like pincers. I didn't really like it.

The dark grey robot was my favourite, it has the most mobile parts. It's the only one with movable legs. =)


If I had to choose a second favourite, it's either the white or yellow robot. My kids though, would always choose whichever was the latest that I built.


There you go, all eight robots, which is your favourite? ^_^

I simply wasn't able to create a green robot out of the few green LEGO pieces we have.

Since I wasn't too happy with the red robot, I took it apart and created another.


It became the second robot to have movable legs. Well, kind of. =P

Teaser for next in the series: big robot!


江边鸟 said...

so, all 8 of them will combine become a big big robot?

CK said...

no lar, you think Voltron meh?