30 July 2021










随兴随想 |系列|

27 July 2021

It's only Tuesday

It's only Tuesday, three more days to go before the weekend.

Just two days, and I am already very low in energy level. The long hours overtime these two days didn't help.

Neither was the poor quality sleep.

Even though I probably have to work in the weekend as well, like the many past weekends, but at least I only work the morning half and get the rest of the day to rest. Well, usually. During shittier time I don't even get the half day off...

I know I should be grateful that I still have a job, still alive and well, all that. But at the moment all I can feel is tiredness, and the lack of energy for anything.

Other |wretched workaholic| category entries.

24 July 2021










心的频道 |系列|

21 July 2021









随兴随想 |系列|

19 July 2021


Wifey and I built many things out of cardboard for our pet hamster, Snowball.

Snowball proceeded to pee on them and munch away at where it urinated on. (Yes, our hamster has some disgusting habits.) Not grateful of and doesn't cherish the stuff we gave it, so like a human child.

It probably also chews where it didn't peed on given the many places being destroyed. Either that or it has really peed on all those places, not hard to believe really given the amazing amount of pee that tiny body can produce. It's like a peeing machine really.

Here's a short video of Snowball, the destroyer of cardboard constructions, blissfully munching on an apple stick.

It's contented, chewing away with it's eyes closed. =^_^=

Other |nutty nuts| category entries.

16 July 2021

Long weekend (2)

Coming Tuesday is a holiday, since my annual leave count is approaching the limit, I took Monday off as well to make a four days long weekend.

Sounds familiar? Hehe...

Will not fool myself about not working, since the last long weekend I ended up worked three mornings and really only had the last day off.

Will just try my best to minimise my work hours and maximise my potato mode time.

Let the chilling me time begin again!

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

12 July 2021

1st dose done

Today, I feel particularly grateful that I work in a company that places the wellbeing of its employees as high importance.

My company puts in the resources to set up a Covid-19 vaccination centre for its employees and also those of nearby companies, working with the government to speed up the vaccination process.

Hence today I got my first vaccine shot, I am pretty sure if it's not for the company's effort, I would still be waiting for the appointment. The backdoor government has failed miserably.

Thinking it would be like typical hospital or government process, where waiting is the norm, I brought along a novel to pass the time.

I am very pleasantly surprised by how smooth and efficient the whole process went, gotta say it has been well planned and executed. Again I feel proud to be part of the company, this is how we do things.

From me reaching the centre to when I got my Sinovac shot took less than 15 minutes. The 15 minutes observation period after vaccination was the longest wait time throughout the whole process, and that wasn't long enough for me to warm the chair, I didn't bothered to take out my novel. I used that time to send WhatsApp messages instead. =P

Since selfie is not my thing, I skipped the photo booth, took my souvenir, which was handed to me by the highest ranking local boss of my company, and came home. From entering to exiting, I was in the vaccination centre slightly under 30 minutes.

So ya, I got my first Covid-19 vaccine dose, looking forward to my second dose in three weeks' time.

Other |hyped up heads up| category entries.

10 July 2021

Long weekend

Coming Monday is replacement holiday for Penang governor's birthday, and since my annual leave count is approaching the limit, I took Tuesday off as well to make a four days long weekend.

Let's just pretend I didn't woke up and went straight to work until lunch, my break starts now, yay!

Since I already drove my car this week I do not need to go out in the weekend to keep the car battery healthy. I intend to go into potato mode, grow mushroom and play copious amount of computer game.

Here's hoping nothing will pop up to disrupt my delightful intention and potato plan.

Let the chilling me time begin!

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

06 July 2021



去洗车时情人老婆仔还没有开始煮晚餐,洗完车回到家整家人都已经吃饱了,唯有自己吃。*哭哭* =(





是的,我洗得发亮的车… 让我腰酸背痛后马上就前工尽费,然后还要让我淋湿。


随兴随想 |系列|

04 July 2021







今年尝试重启桌面游戏的活动,和以往那一群一起玩的同事朋友。变成网上的方式,遗憾的少了面对面的元素,但也有了许多的方便。对我来说策划变得简单了,就是定好大家都合适的时间而已,不再需要准备好游戏和预定房间,所有的摆放、移动、计算都是自动的,也不必做游戏后的善后清理,就是下线退出网页而已。可惜玩家少了… 嗯,人是会变的。




随兴随想 |系列|

01 July 2021

Sharing is caring

Happiness shared is happiness multiplied, sorrow shared is sorrow lessened.

Something good happened to me and I am overjoyed. I promised not to tell but I want to share my happiness.

A promise is a promise, and I keep my words.

Can you be happy because something good happened to someone else that made him or her happy, without needing to know what happened? You know, just be happy because they are happy.

I can, seeing others happy and well is a nice feeling, if they care to share their happiness with me then I am honoured they have me in their mind. Goodness knows we need more happiness and positive energy in this world.

Same thing with when someone just needed an empathetic ear, without grilling them about what happened. I have always said, I don't need to know what happened, I can just be there for you, lend you my ear, or my shoulder.

And no, I am not trying to brag or show off, I just want to share my happiness without breaking my promise. That's all.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.