01 July 2021

Sharing is caring

Happiness shared is happiness multiplied, sorrow shared is sorrow lessened.

Something good happened to me and I am overjoyed. I promised not to tell but I want to share my happiness.

A promise is a promise, and I keep my words.

Can you be happy because something good happened to someone else that made him or her happy, without needing to know what happened? You know, just be happy because they are happy.

I can, seeing others happy and well is a nice feeling, if they care to share their happiness with me then I am honoured they have me in their mind. Goodness knows we need more happiness and positive energy in this world.

Same thing with when someone just needed an empathetic ear, without grilling them about what happened. I have always said, I don't need to know what happened, I can just be there for you, lend you my ear, or my shoulder.

And no, I am not trying to brag or show off, I just want to share my happiness without breaking my promise. That's all.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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