30 May 2021









心语细述 |系列|

26 May 2021

I went out (11)

Since the previous entry of this series, I was out of the house ten times, so my total out of the house count stands at 63 as of today.

54th outing: went out to do chauffeur duty for kid's archery practise on 20th of March.

55th outing: went out to do chauffeur duty for kid's archery practise on 21st of March.

56th outing: went to office on 26th of March primarily to use up the meal subsidy, called into two meetings while there. Took the opportunity to buy lunch home from Batu Lanchang market.

57th outing: went out to do chauffeur duty for kid's archery practise on 27th of March.

58th outing: went to office on 1st of April to work in the lab.

59th outing: went out to do chauffeur duty for kid's archery practise on 11th of April.

60th outing: went out on 18th of April to takeaway dinner and to drive the car around for a bit to keep the battery healthy.

61st outing: went out to do chauffeur duty for kid's archery practise on 24th of April.

62nd outing: went out on 9th of May to drive the car around for a bit to keep the battery healthy.

63rd outing: went out on 26th of May, intended to drive the car around to keep the battery healthy, but the battery was already flat. Bollocks. Jump-started the car and proceeded to drive around, took the opportunity to buy lunch home.

Guess my plan of a drive every fortnight to keep the car battery healthy is not working, probably because I tend to slip and ended up driving closer to once every three weeks instead of two... Have to shorten the time in between drives and be vigilant about it.

Anyway, as of 26th of May 2021, 436 days have past since the beginning of Movement Control Order on 18th of March in 2020. I have been out of the house 63 times in 62 weeks, so 1.02 times per week on average, or about once every 6.9 days.

Here are the main reasons I went out:
- drive around to keep car battery healthy: 11
- work at office: 22
- bank: 1
- grocery: 1
- pick up takeaway meal: 9
- dine in restaurant: 1
- clinic: 2
- customer service: 1
- car service: 2
- pet shop: 1
- chauffeur duty: 10
- law firm: 2

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

25 May 2021


公司有免费的课程给员工的孩子学些简单的 Python 程式设计,我为孩子报了名。

过去的五个星期天,两个瓜都有上这 Python 程式设计的网课,应该是算有兴趣吧。









随兴随想 |系列|

22 May 2021

Flying Snowball

After months of not biting me, something the younger son was rather jealous of, Snowball did it again a few nights ago.

Well, Snowball still tries to bite me when he's in a bitey mood, but usually after I dodged his attempt once or twice he would resign to just running away to hide, while I try to caress him.

When he's in a good mood though, he would stay still and let me caress his head, which he enjoys. Well, I assume he enjoys it since he would close his eyes as if he's content.

Anyway, the night he bit me, he drew blood and by natural reaction I withdrew my hand. His teeth were in deep so ended up he hung on to my finger for a while before he let go, causing him to go flying from the momentum of my hand withdrawal.

This time he didn't landed on the shaving of either of his containers, no soft landing on shaving but a hard landing on the floor tile, with an alarming flesh hitting floor sound.

Hamsters must be tough animal, because that 1 to 1.5 metres in height drop didn't do any apparent damage, but did gave Snowball a shock and he immediately played dead.

Good thing he played dead, because he was on the floor, unbounded territory, and hamster can run very fast.

I quickly got wifey to help while I put up cardboard fences surrounding him. When he stopped playing dead, which was always shortly after he starts playing dead since he is deaf and can't see very well and thinks the coast is clear, wifey managed to get him into a milk bottle we regularly use to relocate him, and he was back in his containers roaming happily like nothing had happened.

So ya, Snowball went flying again, his highest thus far.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

18 May 2021







随兴随想 |系列|

15 May 2021

1 out of 70

Malaysia current population is 32776194 according to this website when I checked a few minutes ago.

Official report today says the accumulative total number of people in Malaysia infected by Covid-19 since the outbreak is 466330.

That is 1.42 percent of the population, which is 1 in 70 people in Malaysia has been infected.

The virus relies primarily on human to spread, and the unruly human is doing exactly that.

Honestly people, curb your whim, have some self discipline, don't go out unless absolutely necessary.

Just stay home. Just do it.

Other |hyped up heads up| category entries.

14 May 2021









随兴随想 |系列|

12 May 2021

Let it rain

Rained heavily in the afternoon.

Too soon. That's my immediate thought.

Will do a lot of good if it rains heavily closer to midnight, and all night through.

Then rain throughout the long weekend, heavy enough to give those who want to go out second thought.

Goodness know the damage these people have already done to the pandemic situation.

If the rain cannot stop them going out to mingle, then please make them as inconvenient and as miserable as possible. Soak them through, hopefully that will wake them up.

Yes, let it rain.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

09 May 2021











有感而发 |系列|

07 May 2021

Geek +1

Got to try a new game today: Kingdom Builder.

Kingdom Builder is a board game on my wish list that didn't get realized since tabletop gaming sessions ended for me when I switched department.

With TTG 2.0, a lot of games are now available to choose from, and I didn't waste any time to pick Kingdom Builder. =)

I enjoyed the game play, it's a strategy game with a bit of luck factor and a lot of replayability given the number of mix and match maps and game objectives. Player interaction is inevitable as the players expand their kingdom and try to hinder each other.

The play duration is about an hour for a four players virgin game, most likely shorter when we are all familiar with the game.

Definitely a game that I will play again.

Other |geeky gaming| category entries.

04 May 2021









随兴随想 |系列|