30 January 2021

Oh well

MCO 2.0 is failing spectacularly thus far.

Not surprised really. Bunch of clowns pretending to be government and bunch of undisciplined monkeys who cannot follow some straight forward practices are ruining it for all others.

My country will never prosper as long as we still have these imbicles. Wish they could stop wasting oxygen, but when has my wish ever come true, eh?

Sad reality. Oh well.


Initially this entry was saved for my usage experience of a detachable tablet/laptop that I helped design.

Taiwan colleagues had kindly sent us a few validation units of the device we worked on late 2019 and early half of 2020.

I got wind of it (which was a surprise really, that someone bothered to inform me...) and asked for a unit to test out. It's always good to see the hard work turning into reality, have something to show my family what I had been working on.

But alas, that last validation unit that I managed to reserve is not working. So no hands on experience for me. No showing it to the family so that perhaps, just perhaps, they would appreciate what I do.

Oh well.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

28 January 2021











有感而发 |系列|

26 January 2021

You know...

You know, designing a laptop involves expertise in many fields. ID, connectivity, hardware, software, board, power, signal, mechanical, thermal, et cetera.

I am a thermal engineer, I am suppose to build my thermal model based on the 3D model generated by the mechanical engineer. The mechanical engineer is supposed to get the components layout on the printed circuit board from the board layout engineer. So on and so forth.

Of course it's not strictly linear, we have to work together to sort out the finer details. The process is iterative as there are interdependencies. It's team work.

That said, thermal simulation usually only starts when we already have the system dimensions, the board layout and the components power. Else it's just rubbish in rubbish out if everything is based on assumptions.

It's unfortunate way of life that those who make decision like to change the project direction on a whim, and not set a firm direction that they can stick to from the beginning till the end. I guess that's their job, or their way of showing they are doing something.

Whatever. It's always the working level that suffers, not the decision makers. Days or weeks of effort down the drain. And typically, supporting data for their current latest and greatest direction (which will change in two weeks time...) is needed the day after they announce the new direction. Okay, I exaggerate, not the day after, but in two days time.

Because everybody knows thermal model generation, solving and post-processing takes no time at all. The model generates itself with a click of a button, solves in ten minutes, and the results post-processed itself into management-understandable presentation with another click of button. Don't forget everything is always smooth, no hiccups, no debugging required.

So, late in last Friday evening, when most already done for the week, I got a message asking me to stay for a phone call, which came in the form of an online meeting after the normal working hours have ended. I was told the latest and greatest direction fresh out of oven, by the time that online meeting ended, my family has finished their dinner.

I was told to provide thermal simulation results as supporting data for that latest and greatest direction by Monday. Friday evening to Monday morning, see they gave me two full days plus Friday night, how generous! What weekend?

And remember that thermal model should based on mechanical 3D model with the up to date printed circuit board components layout and power? Ya, those. Well, since I am the only one gullible enough to get caught still working late on Friday evening, guess who is going to come out with those?

So ya, I just changed the chassis and component dimensions as I see fit, place them wherever I think is sensible. The mechanical parts are probably still okay, I am a mechanical engineer after all (who specialised in thermal), but since I am no board layout engineer, I am pretty sure whatever I did will need to redo when the real board layout finally comes out. I just don't have the luxury to wait since all the others won't even know about the latest and greatest direction until second half of Monday. The day I am supposed to give the results.


And no, thermal simulation is not just two clicks of button!

Other |wretched workaholic| category entries.

23 January 2021











但是齁,我的八字里不但没有其它的木和对我有利的水,反而还有很强的、天干配地支、天到地(甚至到根)的强悍的火和金。金剋(控制)木,火泄(弱化)木… 所以我有个超级弱的「日元」,和超级不协调、炽热干枯的八字。

就是很烂的八字啦,唉~ 八字就是生下来的命,我常说我命贱,现在开始明白八字了就知道我果然有自知之明。

没有好的命,就要借助好的运。八字告诉我,对我有利的十年周转的大运在六十九岁(公历六十八岁)才会来… 都不知道自己会不会活到那年纪,我就是埋头苦干就是了啦。这就是命。

心的频道 |系列|

18 January 2021

I feel you

In the thermal and mechanical meeting with customer today, for one of the co-engineering projects I am working on, one of their thermal engineers expressed his frustration and helplessness in regards to the ever changing, top down direction from their management.

Said that as thermal engineers, they know what's beneficial and what's not for the cooling solution, that they can only do their best with what's handled to them under some unnegotiable requests that are averse to thermal.

He expressed his frustration and helplessness, and hope we understand their situation.

Oh, I feel you brother. Totally.

After all, I have been in this situation since a few months before you official engaged. Same thing in both the projects I am working on with your company. The ever changing requirements that are not always conducive to thermal.

My thermal models are currently the fourth revision for both the projects, with several sub-revisions and branched out parallel revisions of different options. As of today I have done more than forty simulation cases per projects, that's close to ninety combined. Majority of them are no longer valid because of the ever changing specifications and requirements.

So ya, I feel you brother. Absolutely.

Other |wretched workaholic| category entries.

16 January 2021



希望行动管制令会开始见效吧… 写了自己都不相信。










随兴随想 |系列|

13 January 2021

MCO 2.0

Movement Control Order 2.0. Final-freaking-ly.

The back door government finally came to their senses. Better late than never.

There will always be those unruly, undisciplined monkeys. Them imbeciles who sky-rocketed the daily new infection case from the single and low double digits to the thousands within a month of ending movement control order.

Yea, the unfortunate reality of my country: the existence of these feeble-minded monkeys.

This vicious cycle will repeat again, no thanks to these monkeys, until we get enough vaccine for all, which last I heard, will not happen this year. The current plan I am aware of is to have vaccine for less than half the population from February onwards till the end of the year.

But only fools would believe the back door government given their track record, that bunch of addlebrained clowns.

To my fellow Malaysians who are doing your part, I salute you! We gotta take care of ourselves.

As to those monkeys, may you suffer what you sow.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

11 January 2021

I went out (9)

Since the previous entry of this series, I was out of the house ten times, so my total out of the house count stands at 48 as of today.

39th outing: went out to takeaway food for dinner on 1st of November.

40th outing: went to office on 3rd of November for work, bought lunch home from Batu Lanchang market.

41st outing: went out to pick up cake on 4th of November.

42nd outing: went out to takeaway food for lunch on 12th of November. Meal sponsored by company as recognition of patent filing.

43rd outing: went out to takeaway food and buy cake for wifey on 26th of November.

44th outing: went to office on 27th of November to sign legal document for patent filing.

45th outing: went out to law firm on 12th of December to retrieve document they didn't hand over to us for 13 years, but them being moralless blood-sucking lawyers, we still had to bear the cost of their negligence, unfinished business, to have them dug up their old records .

46th outing: went out to law firm on 17th of December to sign documents for loan.

47th outing: went to office on 21st of December to sign legal document for second patent filing, bought lunch home from Batu Lanchang market.

48th outing: went out on 10th of January for a drive to keep my Civic battery from going flat, last drove the car more than three weeks ago. Bought lunch home.

As of 11th of January, close to 43 weeks (299 days) have past since the beginning of Movement Control Order on 18th of March. I have been out of the house 48 times in 43 weeks, so 1.1 times per week on average, or about once every 6.2 days.

Here are the main reasons I went out:
- drive around to keep car battery healthy: 8
- work at office: 17
- bank: 1
- grocery: 1
- pick up takeaway meal: 8
- dine in restaurant: 1
- clinic: 1
- customer service: 1
- car service: 2
- pet shop: 1
- chauffeur duty: 5
- law firm: 2

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

08 January 2021











有感而发 |系列|

06 January 2021











随兴随想 |系列|

03 January 2021












全国单日数百的新感染病例时大家可以乖乖的呆在家里,现在每天几千个新感染病例时你们还是要到处趴趴走… 我实在不能理喻,只能祈望你们能够醒觉。

有感而发 |系列|