19 July 2021


Wifey and I built many things out of cardboard for our pet hamster, Snowball.

Snowball proceeded to pee on them and munch away at where it urinated on. (Yes, our hamster has some disgusting habits.) Not grateful of and doesn't cherish the stuff we gave it, so like a human child.

It probably also chews where it didn't peed on given the many places being destroyed. Either that or it has really peed on all those places, not hard to believe really given the amazing amount of pee that tiny body can produce. It's like a peeing machine really.

Here's a short video of Snowball, the destroyer of cardboard constructions, blissfully munching on an apple stick.

It's contented, chewing away with it's eyes closed. =^_^=

Other |nutty nuts| category entries.

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