12 October 2019

A long week

It has been a long week.

So very tired.

Haven't actually been the longest working hours week, I have worked longer hours in a week before.

Actually I have worked longer hours in more than a week continuously before, working full time through the weekend and all that, so it's not really the matter of working hours.

But definitely felt most exhausted, until I had to break my routine and forced a slower pace for two days in this week.

Never happened before the whole year, until this week.

Is my body trying to tell me something?

Perhaps it's the state of mind, or simply because my health is not as before.

It's actually pretty fruitful in terms of work, making good progress.

Colleagues were very receptive of our proposal and trying to make it happen.

That's actually quite unexpected, was expecting resistance to be honest.

But goodness I am tired.

I don't really know why.

Perhaps I have just been busy for too long...

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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