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This is the creation to fulfill my September resolution.
I don't want to insult the cool and sleek Macross as well as ruin my own childhood memory so I will just say that this creation is based loosely on Macross. =P
If you don't know Macross, then Google it! it's a fighter jet that can transform into a half-jet-half-robot, and also a full robot, or mecha if you are a geek like me.
Anyway, took me a few days, but here it is.
Fighter jet mode:
The half-jet-half-robot mode:
And the full robot mode:
Not easy to build something that transform with the LEGO parts I have, I wanted to do some cooler transform mechanism but I don't have the parts that can do it.
Either that or I just lack the crazy l33t skill.
I am sticking to lacking of parts and LEGO limitation. =P