13 September 2015

Back on Azeroth

It all started when I found out that my company recognition points can be exchanged with Amazon UK voucher, and while browsing Amazon UK games category I found this prepaid World of Warcraft game credit.

The rest is history.

I have been playing World of Warcraft shortly after it came out, the record shows February of 2005. I had a few hiatuses since. The last one being the longest so far, I last played in February of 2013.

That's more than 2.5 years ago, and if not for this recognition points thing, I probably will still be on hiatus.

Last I played I was on the Cataclysm expansion, I remember everyone else was on the Mists of Pandaria expansion then. Didn't bother me as I just got back from a hiatus, I had much to catch up with the game as Cataclysm has changed the game quite significantly.

I eventually bought the Mists of Pandaria expansion when it went on sales, that's long after my subscription has ended.

The game is now on the Warlords of Draenor expansion, so again I am one expansion behind. Blizzard has announced the next expansion recently, maybe when that's released I will get Warlords of Draenor, hehehe.

After such a long hiatus, I am starting afresh. So I won't be playing my good old high level Alliance characters, who surprisingly are still not kicked out of the guild, bless the guild master.

I will build up my Horde characters this time, I have deleted a few not so high level ones to start from scratch, enjoying the game like a newbie! ^_^

For the Horde!

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