31 January 2015


这篇文章纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合。又,此文章内有乾坤,看明则明,不明当我一贯的废话。 ^_^

忘了几时我们这些猪朋狗友充满正能量的朋友终于成功把苏小妹带入黑暗邪恶的世界充满阳光欢乐的活动: 玩桌上游戏。


好纳闷哦! >_<



输?会!呃… 会。” 我无奈的自嘲回应。



谁会输?” 三三又问一遍。

输会会!” 大伙一起起哄。

* 若把这写成‘我发现我渐渐爱上了她’就变成要写悲情故事了,呵呵! =P

天马行空 |系列|

27 January 2015

Random Berry Thoughts

Initially this entry was just going to be be titled 'random thoughts', but, well...

Been busy at work lately, several things happening at the same time and all demanding my attention. I admit I am just not good at multitasking.

I usually do not have so many tasks in my plate concurrently. Think I can still manage but nevertheless it's more stressful than usual.

Doesn't help that I haven't been sleeping all too well lately. Wake up way too early,  well before I need to wake up, everyday. I still wanted to sleep, I need my eight hours sleep.

Probably related to the stress level. =(

Or maybe it's just a sign of old age.


Let it be known that I am totally ashamed of myself for texting colleague friend to discuss work related stuff, something that I asked others not to do.


Genuinely ashamed of myself.


After shower, wrapped only in towel, saw kid's room door ajar when it's supposed to be closed so I went to inquire.

Wifey was in the room making their bedtime milk, she saw me and asked,

"Yes, Sexy berry?"

Befuddled, I am.

But I supposed that means I am a berry.

25 January 2015



我怎么会莫名的惆怅?” 我问老婆仔。

荷尔蒙失调?女性荷尔蒙过盛?更年期?” 她猜测回应。







生活点滴 |系列|

20 January 2015

Run Log (November 2014)

02 November 2014, Sunday.

Sick after the annual dinner on Friday evening, probably because the body got fed up of never winning any lucky draw of any significance, consolation prize doesn't count. =P

Not in the form on Saturday evening, the heart was there, but the body was not up to it. Not wanting to miss a weekend though, I forced myself to run this morning.

Wanted to do 8km with a modified Straits Quay route, I started struggling after 5km. Pushed myself to 7km and stopped after that. 7.07km in 52 minutes, ended weak.

The legs could still go on, but my lungs were like on fire. I hope it's the flu, as I do not have much time left to train, bridge run in two weeks. =\


07 November 2014, Friday.

Was treated to a yummy lunch and ate too much, so I felt guilty enough to go running.

Don't be silly, of course not. Feeling guilty because of eating too much? Pfft! Really, don't be silly! =P

Bridge run is next weekend and I am feeling not quite prepared, so I went running. Did the usual Straits Quay route, just want to regain the confidence as last Sunday's run left me rather insecure.

6.20km in 45 minutes, ended strong, so all is well. This Sunday, given the chance, I will try a longer distance run.

Go go go!


11 November 2014, Tuesday.

Last training before Bridge Run, decided to run longer than usual.

Straits Quay route with an extra lap, did 8.56km in an hour and 3 minutes, ended okay.

Probably could run the last leg to get closer to 10km but decided not to strain myself.

18 runs since June, a lot less compared to last year. Did almost triple the training last year.

Well, this is it then.


16 November 2014, Sunday.

Already posted my experience of the 2014 Penang Bridge International Marathon so I shall not repeat it.

Since I have received my certificate, I will post the official results instead.

According to the official record, my time for 10km was 1 hour 14 minutes 34 seconds, and I ranked 2562 out of 11244, 22.8 percentile.

My official record for 2013 was 1 hour 14 minutes 53.79 seconds, ranked 2724 out of 8330, 32.7 percentile.

So... [sarcasm] an amazing sub 20 seconds improvement! Wow, simply wow! [/sarcasm]

Disgusting. Pathetic. Shameful. >_<

I could have done better, I am fairly confident about that, if not for the massive human wall and obstacle.

Bollocks. Totally put me off the bridge run.

Since bridge run is the only run I am somewhat interested in, well...


18 January 2015


A bored kender is dangerous. You would understand if you read Dragonlance.

A bored grumpy old man is... just bored.

Had an idea for a short story with some food for thought half-formed in my mind while I was showering this morning.

When I finally turned on my computer and opened a new Notepad document in the afternoon though, I only managed to write a sentence before I discarded it.

Not in the right mood. A strange state of lethargy where I simply couldn't be bothered to do anything.

So the story is shelved, for now. I do hope I will get back to it some day, I really do like it, for the contemplation that I hope it will trigger for the readers.

15 January 2015

Hard sell

Warning! This entry is all about shamelessly hard selling my own blog. No, really.

Scribble Pad is such a fantastic blog I simply have to recommend it to everyone I know. =P

The author must be like, wickedly cool and humorous*. I want to be like him!

If you stumbled upon this blog by chance, congratulations! You have found a gem! I mean, you have found THE gem. You should really consider buying lottery. =D

For those who have only seen the mobile version of this blog, let me introduce you to a few things that you have been missing out on a proper web browser version.

follow the awesomeness!

Become a follower! This helps to boost the author's epeen and probably have some other benefits that I have no idea of. Do it! Do it! Be a proud follower of the awesomeness. =P

If you rely solely on Facebook post as notification to new blog entry, then you have been missing out on some of the entries.

this is called consistency

You see, the author doesn't always post on Facebook when there is a new blog entry. However, he is consistently posting 11 entries every month except November, and a total of 125 entries every year.

So to not miss out, you should really bookmark this blog, and check every two to three days. Here you go, bookmark it: http://paper-arrow.blogspot.com/

comment please, or at least click on one of the 'Reactions'

Like a post? Hate a post? Providing feedback is nice, it makes you better than the other common folks who do not provide feedback. It's an act of giving back to the author instead of just take.

An angel gets its wings when you leave a comment, and gets its halo too when you leave a comment and select a 'Reaction'. =D

shortcut to entries in a particular category

The author has pretty much labelled his entries in a fairly consistent manner so if you like a certain entry and want to read other entries of the same category, check the 'Labels' at the end of the entry.

Either click on the link shown beside 'Labels', or use the link under the Crazy Category to get you to all other similarly entertaining entries. =D

Yes, you are totally missing out all these cool stuff if you only view the mobile version of this blog.

Alrighty, that's enough fabulousness for one night. Now don't be selfish, gotta be generous and spread the awesomeness to others**, go tell your friends! =P

author's shamelessness +2

* being wicked is absolutely true. Cool and humorous are, well, debatable
** after you are done puking, don't you want to spread the pain to others too? =P

12 January 2015











生活点滴 |系列|

10 January 2015

Random behaviour for January 2015

Think I might have missed a day or two, but I will still grade myself successful in December's impromptu resolution, hehe! =P  feel good +1

Since I haven't stopped doing it, and I like to continue until I see some more visible results, I am going to continue December's impromptu resolution this month.

So, for January 2015, my impromptu resolution is still: to do legs lifting or other abdominal muscles related exercise everyday.

Because I can.

06 January 2015

Ducky & Friends #012

#012: Word!

View all Ducky & Friends entries by clicking on the quack quack category.

04 January 2015








不要傻啦,他们只是喜欢拔脚毛罢了… *汗*


随兴随想  |系列|