27 January 2015

Random Berry Thoughts

Initially this entry was just going to be be titled 'random thoughts', but, well...

Been busy at work lately, several things happening at the same time and all demanding my attention. I admit I am just not good at multitasking.

I usually do not have so many tasks in my plate concurrently. Think I can still manage but nevertheless it's more stressful than usual.

Doesn't help that I haven't been sleeping all too well lately. Wake up way too early,  well before I need to wake up, everyday. I still wanted to sleep, I need my eight hours sleep.

Probably related to the stress level. =(

Or maybe it's just a sign of old age.


Let it be known that I am totally ashamed of myself for texting colleague friend to discuss work related stuff, something that I asked others not to do.


Genuinely ashamed of myself.


After shower, wrapped only in towel, saw kid's room door ajar when it's supposed to be closed so I went to inquire.

Wifey was in the room making their bedtime milk, she saw me and asked,

"Yes, Sexy berry?"

Befuddled, I am.

But I supposed that means I am a berry.

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