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So, finally, I have got to this entry showing the sleek and sexy race car that really started this series.
Let me show the race car first. ^_^
behold! The creation that started this LEGO series
What do you think?
Anyway, since the beginning of the year, I tried to be a better father by having more father-sons bonding time, and one of the ways is to play LEGO together.
We would sit down together and then build something together, either the original design by LEGO employee, or I would create something out of my imagination.
these were the first new creation we built together
For the first few times we did new creation, I would think and design on the spot while the sons sat impatiently waiting for me to complete and show them the step.
Little mosnters have short attention span, so I couldn't do complicated or really nice stuff.
combat helicopters
For own creation, we did robot, airplane, tank, helicopter, and probably some others before the sleek and sexy race car. I didn't think of taking photos for all of them, which is a pity, else I could have shown all of them here.
with guns and missles, of course. Boys will be boys
Then again, maybe it's because they weren't particularly nice so I didn't do it. =P
And it's not until the creation of the sleek and sexy race car, impromptu design, mind you, that I simply had the urge to show-off. (shamelessness +1)
It's on Businessmen-con-you-day, otherwise known as Valentine's Day to most people, that I came up with the race car design.
I like it so much that I decided to document the steps so I can rebuild it again in the future. And that started the new idea of coming up with a design the night before, took step by step photos of how it's made, then build it together with the kids on the next day.
Solved the short attention span issue, and also lighted another bulb in my head: the LEGO workshop series. =)
So LEGO lovers, if you have run out of idea or if you would like to try some new builds, stay tuned! ^_^