23 August 2013

Random Thoughts

I'll be back, not

It seems, I won't be back, after all.

The Light Room group interest waned after the initial few months and eventually it was pretty much just me.

I don't need to be in a group to talk to myself so that's that.

Was fun while it lasted. For me, at least.

Oh, I still have a few pages on the Photography 101 that haven't been completed!

Meh, who cares.


No story, yet

It's already late August, and I still haven't written a story.

Well, I still haven't completed a story. I have started a few, just none of them completed.

Time is ticking.


Fire starter?

I might have unintentionally started a couple of things.

Some said my training for the coming Bridge Marathon started a run-mania among a few colleagues. There's now a WhatsApp group with constant run updates, Nike+ screenshots, as well as a healthy competition going on.

And after all these years, don't know why the utterance of bollocks this week started a... something within yet another group of colleagues/friends.

It's not like this is the first time I say bollocks, but somehow it's currently the 'in' thing, many of them are saying it in whatever situation they can use it, and it hasn't failed to tickled me up.

To be honest I am rather amused and somewhat puzzled.

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