31 December 2013

Good grief!

While it's never pleasant to find your computer died on you, it's particularly unpleasant to have it suddenly died on a night when you have a few important things to do using the computer.

Oh bollocks!

It's a custom for me to end the year with a [year] in numbers entry so this entry was supposed to be "2013 in numbers". Unfortunately my various tracking sheets and database with all the numbers are in my home computer and it has decided to quit.


Not really an expert but I tried a few things to revive the computer, unfortunately none work and I need some extra hardware to continue the rescue mission.

It's late and I didn't want to pay the extra premium charged by the shop in the nearby shopping complex so I gave up for tonight.

Gave up for this year as it's ending in two hours time.

Meh! =(

Oh well, happy new year everyone, hope you have a great year ahead. ^_^

29 December 2013





我醒了当然也要把别人给弄醒分担痛苦,呵呵! =P


当然啦,傻的才在周末早起,可以的话我是绝对会做睡到太阳晒屁股那明智的选择的! =P


早餐后大伙浩浩荡荡出发,耶! ^_^




(我要往高处去小便给下面的人,呵呵!) =P


结果都没什么陪到家人玩,真是的。 =\


我那功能限制众多的老数码相机实在是叫人无奈。 -_-




午餐后大伙散队回家,下回是极乐寺! ^_^

生活点滴 |系列|

25 December 2013

I don't wanna go back

Took three days leave to make six days break with the weekend and Christmas holiday, and it's coming to an end.

Spent half the first day attending meeting, replying work related e-mails and phone call, and then the second half feeling bored and lonely.

Spent the second day tidying up the house. Vacuumed, mopped, cleaned, washed and dried, and boiled water making sure all the water containers were filled for the imminent return of family members.

Travelled on the third and fourth day. On driver duty to get family home from inlaws'. Driving long distance is getting tiring, sign of age. Inlaws came with us for a short visit, and inlaws' relatives visited at night of our return.

Mild flu, had running nose and feeling rubbish on the fifth day. I blamed travel stress and the lack of sleep due to the return of the noisy little monsters. Two is already enough to tear the house down, with a third it was pure chaos.

Tried resting most of the day. Tried, not much success.

A failed family outing at the beach in the evening, aborted due to a delay and the existence of the illegal parking fee collector at the public beach. We refused to pay the extortion so we left. Shame really, we have been to that beach so many times before, it's residential area road side parking, yet extortionist pigs were out full force yesterday. Hope it's just due to it being Christmas eve and not a permanent thing.

Oh well, at least we had a big family dinner together at the hawkers' centre. =)

Today, the sixth day, Christmas day. Merry Christmas everyone!

No plan, we don't celebrate Christmas in any special way so it's just another off day. I spent the day reading mostly, and resting. Realised I am not going to meet my resolution of reading more books than last year, I am getting slower in reading, bollocks.

Back to work tomorrow. Only I really don't feel like it... *sigh* =(

24 December 2013

It's hard to say goodbye

Feel like posting but brain is still on leave so I dug through the numerous unposted note scraps, picked this one dated 3rd of October 2013 and elaborated it.

If you were a popular person, well-liked among your colleagues and friends, then when you have announced your intention to leave the company for greener pasture elsewhere, you would have a series of farewell events lined up.

First there's that new "in" thing called a Farewell Run™, if you have a group of crazy passionate running friends, that is.

Disclaimer: I am not a passionate runner.

Then immediately after the Farewell Run™ there would be a farewell breakfast, which is more to my liking. =P

Then a farewell lunch the next day. Okay, still acceptable.

And another farewell lunch a week after that. Hmm...

Finally, there would be a farewell badminton session.

I didn't make this up (if it's a made up story, I would categorise it under 'fictitious fiction'), it's something that really happened.

By the end of it I was kind of thinking when would the person actually leave? =P

19 December 2013


放假咯! 放假咯~!


(但是明早还是要开会,阴公咯…) =(





只能怪自己太馋嘴,嘿嘿。 =P



没关系啦,有心不怕,呃… 早嘛。

早很多天的早。 =P


(呃… 什么形象?)


虽然最后我还是悄悄讲了,呵呵! =P


随兴随想 |系列|

17 December 2013

Help if you can, if not, tell

It hasn't been smooth sailing work wise lately. More like being stuck in a maelstrom really. Outright chaotic.

Coupled with my lousy stress management skill, it's no surprise that I have not been a happy bunny lately.



Anyway, not writing about that, but about the random requests for help I got, which I rendered, and a subsequent comment I made.

Probably doesn't mean much when I say I am busy, since, well, everyone is busy nowadays. -_-

Anyway, let's just say that at times I really need to put in that extra effort to not explode and determination to not swear to set aside whatever frustrating stuff I am doing to entertain a random request for help or information.

When I say random, I meant stuff that's not really under my job scope or responsibility, but of which I happened to know about somewhat.

Yes it took away some time from my rather hectic and loaded work hours, but I helped where I could, and directed to someone who could when I couldn't, or at least replied I haven't a clue nor know who has a clue when that's the case.

When a colleague found out I was just being nice in trying to help out but it's really not under my role and responsibility, and thanked me for it, here's what I said, and I meant it.

"Just remember to be like this when you are experienced, became the senior, and being approached for help. Help if you can, if cannot, direct to someone who can help if you know. Don't just ignore, at least reply if you really can't help and haven't a clue who can. Or that you are busy and need some time to get back. And do get back to it."

Yea I know, it sounds like a rant.

It's probably because I have encountered more than my fair share of snobs who simply ignored my mail and request, and interestingly would respond when someone with higher grade or higher up in the hierarchy relayed the exact same question on my behalf.

It's especially blood-boiling when it's about stuff under their responsibility, and yet they ignored me until it's escalated, which I hate to do.

Darn arseholes.

15 December 2013

LEGO workshop (2): 'female' robot


LEGO is trademark or registered trademark of The LEGO Group in Denmark and/or other countries.

All original work on this site is copyright C.K. Goh and may not be copied or reprinted without my express written approval.


In this series: |part 1| |part 2| |part 3| |part 4| |part 5| |part 6| |part 7|
Workshop: |1|


Yes yes, I know there is really no gender for robots but somehow, as soon as I finished my creation, it just popped into my mind that this is a 'female' robot.

This is a February 2013 creation.

Anyway, here's sharing of my creativity to LEGO fans all around the world. ^_^

And of course, the more the merrier! =)

Teaser for next in the series: step by step workshop for building a speed boat

13 December 2013


是不是心境的关系,今天的“动次 动次 动次 动次!”好像没以往那么有劲的?








认不出自己的声音的丝丝,都唱了这么多次了喔… 囧;






随兴随想 |系列|

10 December 2013




其实我自己也对这举动有点意外,嘿。 =P


自我感觉良好。真的是自己做自己爽,呵呵! =P




我的厨艺实在是… 烂。 -_-"


况且一个人在外吃好像很凄惨可怜的感觉… -_-



好期待。 ^_^



唉… =(



好像怪叔叔那样。 囧

随兴随想 |系列|

06 December 2013


Hearing a colleague addressed another using 'dear' today, and feeling a bit odd about it, made me realised I have readjusted to my home culture.

Everyone used to be called a 'dear' when I was in England. Friends, lecturers, even friendly looking strangers. Hi dear! Dear Steve. Yes dear?

And being hugged by a lady friend was not at all strange, in fact it's nice and actually quite a warm and endearing gesture. Almost always it's the lady friend who initiated the hug though, guess I am just shy.

I remember the very first time being hugged by a lady friend, one of wifey's British friends. I was surprised, a bit embarrassed, but like it nevertheless.

Oh, I remember hugging a Malaysian friend who was also studying overseas when we chance to bump into each other in the airport, it's just so natural and we did that without even thinking. That's after we have been in England for a few years.

The hugging culture is pretty alive in my family, but I wouldn't think of hugging any lady friend here in Malaysia now. It doesn't feel... right. And I don't want to be slapped or be sued for sexual harassment! =P

And my e-mails start with 'Hello [name]' or 'Hi [name]' instead of 'Dear [name]' now. Feel as if I have become less warm and less friendly, meh!

A friend said my elder son speaks with a British accent, though that's when she last talked to him, which has been a while. I remember that too, as when we just got back, wifey had a strong British accent after all those years she worked in the hospital, and the elder son picked up that accent.

But his English has been 'Malaysianised' over the years as well. Guess we have all been re-cultured, oh well.

04 December 2013

Running Man

Running Man is a weekly Korean variety show that started airing in July 2011. It's a game show with fixed cast members and usually with famous Korean celebrities as guests doing missions, races and games with large spoonful of hilarity and laughter.

image source
all other images from this source

It has been my daily dose of stress relief and unfailing entertainment since two months ago, never fail to crack me up.

Before then, Running Man was just a name a friend kept on mentioning, which piqued my interest since I like game shows (Fear Factor, Wipeout, et cetera), but not enough for me to actively look for it since it's in Korean.

I ain't too interest in things in language I don't understand. Hence K-pop is not my thing.

hilarious games aplenty

But who would have known, that a chance pen drive test, which needed large files to fill up the drive to test for defect, would make a Running Man fan out of me?

I watched the Running Man episodes copied into the pen drive out of curiosity...

... and the rest is history.

Darn poison! =P

raw egg on the forehead, totally self-inflicted, absolutely hilarious

Unlike the other game shows I have watched, Running Man has fixed cast members participating in the games every week. While it has plenty of games and races introduced throughout the years, often funny or outright ridiculous, it's the casts interaction and banter that's the real jewel of the show.

purposely answers wrongly so teammates get punished is not uncommon, hehehe!

Kudos to the producers for coming up with new games every so often. Toe wrestling, gym karaoke, wearing pants without using the hands, just to name a few. It can even make classic like 'rock, paper, scissors' an adrenaline pumping, heart rate racing game! And I think it has made it's famous hide and seek name tag ripping game a classic.

love it when all Running Man casts work together as a team

I haven't a clue about the guests, they are supposed to be famous celebrities in Korea but I am pretty ignorant in that regard. On the other hand, since Running Man fixed casts are in every episode, I get to know and love them. =)

even (sporting) guest got dragged through the mud along with the regular casts
* this is G-Dragon, I recognised the name because of a colleague nicknamed G-Snake, who is supposedly some long lost sister to G-Dragon. But that's another story...

Of the seven cast members, I like Gary and Ji-Hyo the most. Okay, Ji-Hyo more than Gary since I am a guy. =P

I like Gary for his caring and honest character, and Ji-Hyo for her fearlessness, for giving her best, and her sweet sweet smile. ^_^

sweet <3

But of course it's really when the two of them are being the lovey-dovey Monday Couple that I love most. Doesn't matter that it's just for the show, the Monday Couple chemistry is good and it gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling that makes me smile silly.

If I am a fan of Running Man, then I am totally a fanboy of the Monday Couple! =P


Not knowing the Korean language, I am at the mercy of the translator. Not sure how much was lost in translation but thus far I got my laughing fix in every episode.

Fearless Ji-Hyo enjoyed the bungee jump while the male casts were too scared to do it. She really deserves her 'Ace' moniker

For two months, starting from episode 1, I religiously watched at least an episode of Running Man every night, and went into weekend warrior mode of marathon watching as many episodes as I could in the weekends.

And I have finally caught up with the current latest episode (174) at the time of writing this. It's good to have no social life. =P

more Monday Couple moment

There are good episodes and there are lousy ones, but without fail all of them made me laugh. It's my stress relief, it's my laugh of the day, it's my fix for craptastic day, temporary though it may be.

Today is the first day since I started that I no longer have a Running Man episode to watch. What am I to do now that I can only get my fix once per week?

I think I am suffering withdrawal syndrome... *twitch twitch*

baseball code really! At least that's what Gary said