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In this series: |part 1| |part 2| |part 3| |part 4| |part 5| |part 6| |part 7| |part 8| |part 9| |the making of part 9| |part 10|
This month's impromptu resolution is to have a LEGO session with the kids every weekend. I decided to have something with a continuous theme instead of unrelated creation from week to week.
So I created LEGO RPG, something that we can make the pieces together then play with what we have created. ^_^
the pieces for the jungle module
Based on my gaming experience, I provided the general framework and game system to use, then I got the kids involved deciding stuff like health, damage, speed, et cetera. Basically we have a group of heroes killing monsters, getting loot, gearing up, and eventually facing the big bad boss.
For heroes, we have the typical warrior, rogue, cleric and mage. We decided on class specific item and spell upgrades, which will come from loot. Monsters will depend on the module, the idea is to have a different module every week.
we used the big table as our play field
Hsiang suggested that the first module to be in the jungle, with a giant gorilla as the boss monster, and we came up with a big cat, spider and snake as the minions. And so we went about making the necessary pieces: the items, the monsters, and trees as location marker.
Took us the first weekend to came up with the system and to get the pieces for the first module done. We played the first module on the second weekend, making minor modification on the fly when the die roll didn't produce any monster encounter. Everything depends on die roll, you see.
image for illustration purpose only, encounter at each location (tree) is based on die roll
Well, I guess some balancing is required, the heroes basically steamrolled the minions and not seriously challenged by the boss. The kids had fun anyway, winning is always fun I guess.
As the game master and the person who controls the monsters I think the monsters need buffing. Their health definitely needs to be increased so they don't get one-shot killed, maybe should think about multiple monsters encounter instead of just one. But I am glad the system works, just need some balancing.
that 'snake' is about 3 human height in length according to scale
The second module is supposed to be in the mountain region with a volcano, lava related monsters, and a dragon as the big bad boss. But it hasn't happened because, well, their grandpa is back and they are glued to him during the weekends...