This is most likely my first and last politically related entry. Politics is, to me, a necessary evil. I am not fond of it, doesn't mean I don't care, I just don't like to talk about it.
Anyway, you have to know Mandarin and Malay, and have been following Malaysia 13th general election to understand the title of the entry. =)
Thanks to the newly downloaded Path of Exile online game, I went to sleep around 05:00 hours. My bad. =P
Alarm woke me up at 06:45 hours and I was off to my voting station after the shower. Half an hour drive to the other side of the island, again, my own bad for not changing the address on my national identity card.
Had breakfast at a nearby food court, then walked over to the voting station. I was there around 07:50 hours, and there were already queues.
Eventually got to my designated room, and finally found out who the candidates are from the poster on the door. I don't give a damn really, I am voting for the lesser evil of the political parties.
Got my ballot tickets after another queue, checked that they were clean, walked to the covered table, two quick crosses with my left index finger awkwardly positioned since smartypants decided to mark people before instead of after they have voted, and I was out. Took me at most two minutes in the room, most of it in checking my name, inking me, and giving me the ballot tickets really.
Done, hopefully giving my children a better future
Since I am writing a politically related entry, may as well be done with it once and for all. So here goes my personal opinions on politics...
In my beloved country, politicians who are selfless and genuinely rendering their services for the good of the people are few and far in between.
I despise most of the politicians, for they do not understand that the government serves the people, not the other way round. There are just so many in power who are corrupted, self-serving, constantly making a fool of themselves and thus ruining the reputation of the country.
Power corrupts, and so many of the crook politicians believe they are omnipotent, that they can get away with anything. So they blatantly used our money for they greed, and did damnable things, including but not limited to taking of life, to further their own filthy agenda.
And they had the nerve to insult our intelligence by giving lame and ridiculous excuses, and then swept the issues under the carpet pretending they didn't happen.
I suppose that's really the best they could come up with, after all, in most countries, intelligent people are governed by those a lot less intelligent than they are. Fools who would have bought the stupid excuses themselves.
In my country, most of them are not only fools, but thugs and bullies. Real bunch of lowlives. Just look at the blatant cheating, dirty tricks, foul plays, briberies, money politics, terror and rumour mongering they are doing in this general election.
Absolutely despicable. Total waste of oxygen, the lot.
When will they learn that respect is not bought, respect is earned. Fear, terror is not respect.
Those short-sighted greedy dumbarses who fell for the the bribes, the "candies" dished out by the desperate and filthy political party, have you no respect for yourselves? No dignity whatsoever? Can't you think further? Your future is only worth that couple of hundreds, or thousands? Shame on you!
Sometimes I think these idiots deserved to be governed by the corrupted government. The only problem is that they are dragging me down with them, bastards.
To me, it's a no brainer choice. When the government no longer serves the people, no longer has the people's best interest at heart, it's time to change. I don't give a damn which political party.
But of course, we can't even get a clean and fair election, no thanks to the corruption. We need a clean start, uproot and wash away all the filth.
I am choosing the lesser evil of the lot, with the hope that it will bring the country a better future. For the country. For the people. For my children.
Here's hoping a change will come through, and Malaysia will have a new and better beginning.
Hot Indonesia Curry! =P