18 May 2013

Decision decision

To be or not to be? That's the question.

How long will it take for me to finally exit this denial mode?

And will it be acceptance, or will it be "so long, suckers!"?

For the record, I like the sound of that phrase, but I don't really mean it in any malicious way, I just find it funny.

Oh, I simply have to share an instant classic message my colleague mock-posted when he found out that his job transfer has completed:

"If this is regarding [job specific] related matters, you can either refer to [ex-manager's name] or you can go Fxxx yourself."

I gave him ten 'likes'. =P


To run or not to run? That's the question.

I have about six months to train for it if I do sign up.

Can I do it? Do I have the time and determination to go through a training plan?

Never been much of a runner and being no longer at all young, I can't just go run without some extensive training to build up my stamina and speed.

But I am also slacker extraordinaire, I rather slack than, well, do anything else really. =P

Hmm... decision decision.

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