27 May 2013

Home Alone, May 2013 edition

"When are you going to stop hugging each other?"

Hsiang asked impatiently. His shoes were on, his bag stuffed full of his 'must bring' stuff.

Wifey and I laughed, but we held on to each other a while longer still.

Hey, it's going to be a few days before we get to hug again. A long few days.

Hsiang seemed a bit exasperated while Young, as usual, was indifferent.

But oh well, all good things must end, and besides, brother-in-law was waiting in the car downstairs.

We seperated so wifey could put on her shoes while I carried the luggages out.

"Hsiang, behave yourself at nana's place and don't make mama angry."

I said to rival number one for wifey's love.

"You too, Young." I turned towards contender number two for wifey's love.

These two little monsters (I use that term in an endearing manner), always taking away wifey's time. My wifey's time.

Prior to them her time was all mine. =\

Yes, I am jealous of my own children, sue me. =P

"Okay." Young replied in a nonchalant, automatic, whatever way.

"I won't make mama angry when I am playing iPad. I only make her angry when doing writing and practising piano." Hsiang said matter-of-factly.

iPad, always iPad. That's all they think of at nana's.

I shook my head.

Loaded the car, brother-in-law took a photo of the 'ready to go' moment with the kids to post on Facebook while wifey and I hugged one last time before the departure.

And they were off after we strapped the kids in.

Home alone. Again.

Hello hug, cuddle and kiss deprivations. Not nice to see you again, bollocks.

Walking around naked in the house got boring after a while, since wifey's not around to whistle or to pinch my buttock.

A bored kender, that's how I feel. I guess only Dragonlance fans will understand the implication and significance of that statement.

"I am going to sleep on your bed." I teased Hsiang and Young the night before, they just got their new bed that day.

Maybe I will do just that.

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