22 February 2019

Tiring week

Such a tiring week...

Needed a Red Bull earlier in the week, then there were days when I was so exhausted after work that I needed to nap before dinner.

Like today.

Just so tired. =(

Have just primarily been working on two projects, busy but not overly so.

A lot of people handling though, following up and urging others to get their job done, the sort of things that I dislike, so I guess that's more stressful than usual.

Also a lot of time spent searching for parts and components online, identifying tools needed and their availability in-house, and compiling these information for a project.

Rather be doing something else really, like my thermal simulation and the hands on I intend to do with the system made available to me.

But the people handling and components searching and cataloguing sucked up so much time that I hardly had time left to do hands on and modelling.

And I suppose they drained a lot of my energy as well...

I have been winding down (pre-sleep reading and supper) starting around 22:00 to 22:30 hours, meaning I lights-out around 23:00 to 23:30 hours, but I am not getting good quality sleep, probably the full moon and just me being a light sleeper.

Darn biological clock is waking me up earlier lately, I think I woke up about ten minutes earlier this week compared to last week.

Not funny biological clock, not funny at all!

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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