14 March 2015

Reigniting old passion (2)

Today I didn't sleep in, didn't give the minimum show of respect to weekend, and went archery instead.

Disrespectful! Despicable! Da horror!

Rest assured that I am fairly ashamed of myself, but I did have a good time in archery. =P

Did 20 metres today.

After six arrows for sighting, I started scoring. It's a big target face so I guess it's 'easy mode'. =)

Shot 60 arrows, followed the Portsmouth round scoring, the format I shot mostly when I picked up archery back in the university days.

six X's

528 out of 600, average of 8.8. Remember it was big target face at 20 metres, so it's really not too hard.

That said, I felt good nevertheless. =)

Left arm started to shake after about 50 arrows, so I still need to build up my strength. But the 'feel' is back, so I am pretty satisfied with the session.

In this series: | 1


1 comment:

HoneyBee said...
