31 October 2012

Away Alone

The good thing about being a borderline antisocial, like-to-stay-at-home person is that being alone in the hotel room doesn't bother me all that much.

As long as I have internet, computer and books. Oh, snacks and soft drink help too. A lot. =P

What is getting me though, is the hug deprivation, and the lack of kisses.

Hugging and kissing are daily activities in my family, especially between me and wifey. Between me and the kids depends on what time I got home on working days, if I got home before they go to bed, then yes, else... =(

Quarrel with wife (very infrequent) and extremely naughty boys (too frequent for my liking) days are exception. Sad days, those.

I want my hugs and kisses. =(

Miss my wifey and the little monsters.

29 October 2012

It's a bangla life

I guess the downside of getting out of bed after 13:00 hours is that I am not sleepy at all when it's almost 01:00 hours now.


It's Sunday and there were no little monsters doing their best to wake me up too bloody early in the morning. This doesn't happen much, so of course I capitalised on it and sleep in.

Sleeping is one of my hobbies after all. =P

Anyway, while we were chatting using the "good-for-one-minute-only" internet phone, I told wifey I have been working to get some stuff done for the colleagues in Malaysia.

She said, "Seriously? When you are in Malaysia, you work during off office hours and sometimes weekend to get stuff done for the colleagues in The States. Now that you are over there, you work during off office hours and weekend to get stuff done for the colleagues in Malaysia."

Sad, but true. =(

I said something lame about it's Monday in Malaysia now and it's urgent, stuff like that.

Then the crappy internet phone started to break at random so we ended the phone call.

Oh well. Cheap labour.

28 October 2012











开心果?!?!?? 0_o

26 October 2012

Slacker in Hiding

Slacker extraordinaire's (that's me) online presence is somewhat scant these few days, especially if you rely on my work IM and e-mail to reach me.

Not that I am slacking (wish that I am...), it's simply because whenever I go into the floor, I  left my laptop locked in the lab. And if I am not with my laptop, I won't be available on my IM or to reply e-mails.

Not that I have been prompt in replying e-mail anyway, hehe. =P

Suiting up for the clean room floor is troublesome enough, I just can't be bothered to bring along the laptop, having to wipe it down everytime. Plus I am most likely glued to the machine or busy with hands on stuff anyway and have little to no time for laptop. So why bring it in just to leave it untouched?

When I am not in the floor, I am most likely in the lab, and unless I am not doing hands on stuff, I won't be in front of my laptop. So again, no online presence.

So catch me online if you can, but don't be surprised if you can't.

That's during working hours, by the way.

Late afternoon 'meeting hours', and then the after working hours, you will have a higher chance of catching me online, especially if you are on my Live Messenger list. If you are relying solely on the work IM, well, I am going to let you in on a secret... =)

After 'meeting hours' and working hours, as long as I am not out for dinner and stuff, I am usually online on the work IM, just that I will set my status to appear offline. ^_^

So yea, my colleagues who are working on Malaysia time zone, it has crossed my mind, many times, to send you all the kia jiak group conversation during your lunch hour, hehe. =P

But I have resisted the urge thus far. So I guess I am in hiding, kind of.

This is of course, just applicable while I am being a bangla overseas. Though when I am in Malaysia, I am also in the lab or floor more often than I am at my cubicle...

Oh well. *shrug*

But in Malaysia, I am truely offline on work IM after working hours!

22 October 2012

Grumpy has landed

Left home at 05:00 hours on Saturday morning and arrived hotel 10:00 hours on Sunday morning, Malaysia time.

29 hours, no delays, no road closure causing me to get lost, and no excessive turbulence causing me to puke my stomach clean, just long hours waiting in transit. Smooth journey all considering, really.

No one on my seat row on the butt-numbing long flight, so I got 3 seats to lie down on. Not that it helped, I still couldn't sleep. =(

Anyhow, grumpy old git (that's me!) has landed. Bangla (that's me, too!) will report to duty on Monday morning local time. Guess I am so good at being a bangla now I have been upgraded to international bangla... >_<

Hope I will get over the jet lag soon, for the mean time, there is always Redbull. The nice blue and silver slim can version, no less. =)

16 October 2012




半粒蛋糕给阿李爸爸,另一半给其他同事分享。当然,有几只大老鼠已经在蛋糕新鲜出炉时先偷吃过了啦,呵呵! =P





怎知道中午回到办公室准备去吃午餐时,发现整盒蛋糕原封不动。这太不像话了啦! =\



今天有位同事从另一个厂来到我们的办公室工作,我问他今天怎么来这儿?他开玩笑的回答因为我昨天说有蛋糕吃嘛,还问我怎么没有留在冰箱里给他,哈哈! ^_^

是的,邪恶的我特地也把电邮送给在其它厂工作的同事折磨他们没有蛋糕吃,呵呵! =P



同事们,你们也太不识趣了啦! =P

14 October 2012

May contain nuts

Some people are allergy to nuts, hence the food industry has this "May contain nuts" warning on their packaging. At least the responsible ones do.

On the same token, since I am sarcastic, mischievous, devilish, easily amused and has a wicked sense of humour (but responsible!), I think it's only fair that I put up a warning to my nuttiness.

Hence the "May contain nuts. View at your own risk." tagline.

Those who cannot stomach my brand of nuttiness without being ill (hehe) should really stay clear.

You have been warned. =P

11 October 2012

Meeting expectation

Had a temperature and feeling chilly, so I came home after lunch yesterday.

Went to the clinic on the way home, while the doctor was taking my temperature she asked me some questions trying to determine the source of my fever.

When she looked at the temperature reading, she did a small double take and showed me: 39.4 degree Celsius. So that's why I was feeling so rubbish.

"That's really high. You went to work?" She gave me an incredulous look.

"Erm... yea. It wasn't so bad this morning." I answered rather lamely.

Truth to be told, I was rather surprised myself. Usually if I hit the 39 degree Celsius threshold I would be bedbound already. And to think that I just drove one hour from ulu place to the clinic... 0_o

Apparently, the doctor thought so too, that I should be bedridden with that kind of temperature. She gave me some medical advice and recommendations and sent me home to rest with two days worth of medical leave.

So here I am, bedbound since I got home yesterday and most of today, meeting the expectation of being a zombie-like invalid that one with high fever should be. You know, instead of going to work and drive long distance.

Late yesterday evening, when I wasn't in a fog or blurriness and when wifey came to check on me (she was out when I got home), I noticed that she had cut her hair to shoulder length.

"You cut short your hair, so that's why I am sick." I half-joked.

"If I cut even shorter, you would..." She left it trailing.

"Yea, I probably would have died."

And it's not until this afternoon, when I finally left my room and went to the well-lit lounge that I noticed not only had she cut short her hair, she had dyed it as well.

Why oh why!?!?!!

So, that's why I am so sick. =(

09 October 2012







































05 October 2012


警告:儿童不宜、心智纯白的人不宜、清纯廉洁的人不宜、周杰伦粉丝不宜… 靠!此为粗俗脏话满篇的文章,要看后果自负。





靠(一) 「度烂」的根源









靠(二) 既来之,则靠之


那些安排 teambuilding 的同事,你们是搞针对是不是?

靠!总是选我出差时搞 teambuilding,至少已经三次了。




靠(三) 跨国廉价劳工






靠(四) 马后炮








靠(五) 大马,能!






01 October 2012

Fever & parenthood

Bedridden for 36 hours straight, with perhaps 1 hour off the bed for showers, dinner and bio-breaks.

True zombie like.

Body temperature higher than 39 degree Celsius is when I had to be bedbound. High of 38 degree Celsius I am already aching all over muscles and joints. What made this time worse was the constant dull headache that persisted throughout, painkiller or not.

At least the painkiller took away the muscles and joints aches.

Wifey wanted to rush me to hospital A&E late yesterday night when the temperature still hovered near to 40 degree Celsius an hour after taking the medicine. I stubbornly refused because there was no one to look after the kids, who had gone to sleep then and I just don't like to visit a doctor. I am strange like that.

Good thing the temperature dropped soon after, else I probably had to go see a doctor, like it or not. Probably by calling a cab or asking a neighbour for a lift.

I guess the one good thing about being sick is that I get wifey to look after me, which is a nice feeling. You know, someone cares. Wifey being a trained nurse is just icing on the cake.

Body temperature dropped to low 38 degree Celsius range in the afternoon today, so I was finally up. Unfortunately, Young got the fever.

We started seeing spots on him late in the evening so wifey decided to see a doctor. Hsiang has school tomorrow so it's up to me to shower him and get him to bed.

Only my temperature went up to high 38 degree Celsius again so I took the medicine, rested a bit while he watched television. At 7:00pm we went upstairs for his shower, then his story, his milk, and accompanying him until he fell asleep. It wouldn't be trying at all if not for the return of that damnable dull headache.

But you know what? Sitting in the dark, massaging my temple and watching him falling asleep, I had a great sense of achievement. This is what parenthood is about.

For them, I can endure.

When I lamented about being sick and generally behaving like a baby in front of wifey, questioning why I have fallen sick without any apparent reason. Wifey simply said,

"You are cursed, you always fall sick whenever you apply for annual leave."

Good grief. The leave hasn't even started, and this time I apply leave to work, dammit!
