05 January 2010

Second Resurrection

"Can you hear me Mr SB-the-third?"


"How are you feeling?"

"Sluggish, weak."

"That's to be expected, after all, I transplanted a smaller heart to you. It has less power compared to your previous heart."

"Am I going to be alright now?"

"I am going to be honest with you, I don't know, bear in mind this is your second crash. To be frank, I am not sure if I could ressurect you if you suffered a third crash."

"Can't you just transplant another heart if I crashed again, doctor?"

"How many times do I have to tell you I am not a doctor? I only have a master degree and I don't really know what's wrong with you."

"But... but... you brought me back to life twice already."

"Well you see, it's all based on trial and error plus sheer dumb luck systematic analytical work, but that can only go so far. Besides, I do not have the mean to get a replacement for you, so you best not crash again!"

"You have financial problem?"

"Yea, I am poor to begin with, and that overlady is demanding her donation back."

"Overlady? What's an overlady?"

"Heard of overlord? You know, evil overlord? Overlady is just the female version of overlord*."

"I see. Why did the overlady make the donation if she intended to take it back?"

"I guess you don't know this overlady, this is just her way of first making you happy just to take it away after, in order to double your misery."

"Ouch... sounds like an evil person."


"Can't nobody do anything about this overlady?"

"Nobody dares, I certainly don't after her talk of body bags."

"Gosh! Evil!"

"Yea, verily."

* I made this up, don't think overlady is a real word. =P

My home computer (gaming machine) died again. Managed to bring it back to life after some fiddling. I changed the power supply, all trial and error systematic analytical work trying to identify the problem, of course. This 'short story' is the result of my imaginary conversation with my computer.

And yes, all self-respecting gamer named their gaming machine, mine is called SoulBot-III as it's my third computer. =)


江边鸟 said...

Entertaining enough, especially the name give to your game machine -- soulbot ~ I nearly fell from my chair laughing when I see this ~ hahaaa

CK said...

What's so funny about my gaming machine name?

My first computer is called SoulBot, the second one is called SoulBot-II, third one mar si SoulBot-III lor, a boh then?

It has meaning one ah!