10 January 2010

Hello Cave

When you have tried in the past few days to engage your wife in discussion about ways to lessen her burden in response to the recent change in available assistance, but she either ignored you or never wanted to discuss it in any depth...

When you have tried your best to help out whenever you can, bathing the child, washing the dishes, cleaning the potty, doing the laundry, ensuring there's boiled water, et cetera...

When you are holding the baby wooing him to sleep because you know your wife is otherwise engaged...

...and yet your wife admonishes you (while you are holding the baby no less) for not doing some house chore that she expects you to do even though you have no idea you are supposed to do it, but would nevertheless do it as soon as she asks you to...

Then you know it's a lost cause and are better of to go into your cave and shut yourself in.

Sorry for not having the mind-reading ability, trust me I really want to have it since being able to know what's going on in a woman's mind would make me the richest man in the world.

Not to mention not having to suffer this unpleasant and ridiculous "you should know you have to do it and there's no point for me to ask you to do it since I would rather do it myself then" thing from happening.

No worries my dear wifey, I will never expect you to solve my work issues, wash the car, fix the computer, handle the shit from my work, service the car, et cetera. Cause both you and I know those are not the things that you usually do, both you and I wouldn't expect you to do them out of the blue.

My only hope is that after all these years together, you can at least know what are the things I usually do and help out with whenever I am available, and what are the things that I don't usually do but would nevertheless do if you tell me to.

You know, there are things that I don't feel like doing after a day's work or even in the weekend since weekend is when I hope to get some rest and relax time in. You know, chill a bit to recharge for the next week's work. Again, don't feel like doing but would nevertheless do it if asked to. Just how difficult is it to tell me?

It's not that I do not appreciate what you do or that I am unaware of the burden you are bearing, remember those discussions that I tried to engage you in? Sometimes we just need outside help, I would rather be poorer financially than to have to face your bad temper everyday.

Coax me out of my cave when you can stop hurting me for trying to help, it's difficult to love you sometimes.


PS =! play station said...

Woman just need more care from guy only. Sometime your small2 move will make her feel sweet. :D
Sometime she bad temper cox of the changes u all encounter recently just give her more time by then she will aware of your effort.
Good luck :D

CK said...

Most men will not admit this, but actually a man needs a lot of care from woman, probably more than what a woman needs from man.

Men are tough outside but fragile inside.

And yes, I am man enough to say this.

PS =! play station said...

but not forget that nowday woman also need to work. Facing the same stress as wat man use to face le. don feel frustrated la, think the scarify your wife do for u :D

CK said...

Hahaha, thanks for all your kind words PS, and no worries lar, this is common in relationship one. I just want to rant nia.

By the way, my wife is a full time practitioner of the most sacred job as well as a domestic engineer (mother and housewife!). ^_^