16 April 2020

I went out (2)

I went out again today, same reason as previously, to drive the car for a bit to avoid its battery going flat.

So this is the second time I am out from the house during the Movement Control Order (MCO). Most likely a lot less than many people.

I am doing my part as best as I can, though I definitely don't want a flat battery so I will continue to drive my car for a bit every two weeks or so.

Anyway, took the opportunity to get hawkers' food, as I was craving for Hokkien mee and chicken rice. The kids too.

Bought myself a teh peng too! ^_^

I got greedy and ate both the Hokkien mee and chicken rice in the same meal (yes I bought extra portion), ended with a too full belly. =P

Comfort food for all the bad news and disappointment received today, but that's another story.

This entry is just a record of the number of times I am out of the house during MCO.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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