03 March 2019

Random behaviour for March 2019

Truth is, I don't remember whether I succeeded in my December's resolution or not, I think I did. goldfish memory +1

I started playing games more consistently anyway, especially after I return to Azeroth, so that's a good thing.

January is when everybody make their resolutions and so I don't, I am just like that.

Year long resolution is not for me anyway, I need to make shorter resolution for it to work, hence these monthly resolutions thingy, which I called random behaviour just to trick myself. And I think of them as discipline training, playing psychology with myself, hehe.

Chinese New Year in February, I decided to indulge myself so I didn't set anything that month. I did tell wifey to not buy and stock any soft drinks at home after we finish the Chinese New Year stock.

So no more soft drinks at home, not sure how long I can last, I tried not to think of it as a long term resolution else I will likely fail, and I can still have soft drink when I am out, so...

I really ought to get back to regular exercise, my spare tyre is... let's just say I am getting out of shape. Not that I have any shape to begin with but well, you know what I mean.

So, for March 2019, starting next weekend ( =P ), my impromptu resolution is: to do exercise, any kind on top of the daily push-up, legs-lift and air-cycle, at least once every weekend.

Because I can.

Other |flickering fling| category entries.


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