04 March 2019

Inner vs outer me

Lousy day at work.

First day of the week, and I was in the lab early in the morning before most of my colleagues were even in the office yet.

I was eager, I had my tasks planned, and it's going to be mightily satisfying completing those tasks and then put together an informative package of my findings for the rest of the team.

If all went as planned.

But it didn't.


That darn piece of... system is just not stable, hardly got anything useful done.

It failed, and failed, and failed some more, then it booted up and gave me hope, only to reboot itself when I was half way setting up to run an important experiment.

And then it continued to fail.


What I felt and wished to do was not what I actually expressed and did.

I am so... fake. =(

I was cursing inside, wanting to hammer it to pieces, that piece of lousy shit!

But when I finally got enough of the frustration, I didn't smashed it to piece, but carefully packed it and locked it up like it's very precious.

I left the lab and informed my colleague about the issue, all professional and business like. No swearing, no bad-mouthing, cool cucumber.

While inside I was thinking about all the ways I could destroy that piece of junk.

I may not appear like an angel outside, but trust me, it's definitely a demon inside.

Lousy way to start a week, meh!

Other |runaway rants| category entries.

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