29 December 2015


First drafted on 2nd of December 2015, after hearing about the fatal cases of overworked people.

We work so that we can afford and enjoy a better life, don't let work become your life.

We work so that we can afford our meals, so that we have a place to sleep, so that we can maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

If you are sacrificing your lunch or dinner for work, your every waking hours for work, or even your sleep for work, then you gotta ask yourself: what are you working for? Why do you work?

So that you can die rich but have never lived?

There is a whole lot more to life than work.

Like most things, moderation is key. Work/life balance.

Don't skip meal, don't deprive yourself of sleep, don't stop doing exercise, don't forget to have fun.

Your health is more important. Say no to job that jeopardise your health, physically and psychologically. It's just not worth it. Period.

Live your life.

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