13 September 2009


Gripping the precious stone in his left hand, Lord Vomitlots raised his wand and strolled towards the helpless baby, the Killing Curse at the back of his lips, ready to be realeased as soon as he had a clear sight of his victim.

So intend was he on killing the son of James and Lily Potter he didn't notice the toy on the floor, as he chanted the Killing Curse he slipped on the toy and fell forward. He threw his left hand open to break the fall, in doing so he sent the heart-shaped stone hurling towards the baby.

Both the green flash of the Killing Curse and the heart-shaped stone struck the baby's forehead at the same time, the baby yelped in surprised and pain while Lord Vomitlots wailed in anguish and contorted in agony.

Baby Harly became the first person to survive the Killing Curse, though the heart-shape stone left a scar on his forehead. Lord Vomitlots was not seen since then, many believed The Boy Who Survived has somehow vanquished him.


江边鸟 said...

hahaa ~ can't wait to read more ~ gogogogo ~!

Btw, still think Hairy is a better name ler... you want to change it or not?

CK said...

Hairy is the name of one of Harly's pet spiders ler.

Go read the previous Harly Potter's entry if you don't believe me, I forgot which one liao.

Anyway, one of the spiders plays a critical role in the story, I just haven't decided which one yet...