09 September 2009

Craptastic Day

09/09/09 - craptastic day


Official start date for working at ulu place.

So veli the depressing.


Pissed off at the incompetency and irresponsibility of a dolt. Don't promise something you do not intend to fulfill, one of the things that really pisses me off.

I shall award you with my rarely used comment as a token of how pissed off I am, dolt:

"Fook off and stop wasting oxygen!"


My plan of helium-induced chipmunk voice has fallen apart.

Not only did I not achieved what I set out to try, I broke my digital camera.

Long sad story, no telling here.

Sad. Sad. Sad.


Said we will nurture and educate our son with love, and not with the cane.

Believing that we are decent parents who can teach our son by example, by doing the right things so he mimics and learns.

I caned him today after he refused to stop his act of destroying thing and hit me when I tried to stop him.

He was shocked, and ran to his mommy crying.

I felt lousy. Very.

I failed.


munytang said...

hang in there kung.

Unknown said...

Time to get your hands on the 5D MkII!!

I think u did the right thing with the canning...ya, u r not suppose to enjoy it, but nonetheless essential...

CK said...

Am hanging on to... something.



If you are sponsoring I will get the 5D Mark II in a jiffy!

I still believe there is way without resorting to the cane. It's love I want to nurture, not hate or terror.

Unknown said...

Hardship bonus + 1 mth bonus sounds good enough for the 5D lar...

(look forward to your dream/reality take on my comment above)

If u find something that works better than the mighty cane...let me know!

CK said...

Polly you so veli the hao lian...

Fine, since you insist, I shall do a dream/reality in your favour (know you to show off your high salary lar).

my salary pay is like Polly's, so the hardship bonus + 1 month bonus totalled to EOS 5D Mark II body only cost.

my salary is NOT like Polly's, two bonus together also cannot buy the EOS 5D body only, kanasai!


I want to believe that love conquers all, not the cane.