18 January 2009


I forgot to touch on trust in the previous entry.

The spur of the moment that led me to write the previous entry has passed though and I am just not in that frame of mind at the time being.

That said, I do want to write about trust so I will just put in words whatever goes through my mind now.

Of course, similar to the previous entry, I am simply sharing my personal take on life, on relationship, my own beliefs and the principles that I uphold. Do apply your own discretion.

Trust in a relationship builds over time by simply being our genuine selves, no deceit, no pretence, no hidden agenda. And of course, by always keeping our promises.

Don't make a promise if you do not intend to keep it.

Trust is a sacred thing. While we continue to build and maintain our trustworthiness, it's not something that we withdraw like a bank account.

Any abuse or violation of trust will mar it forever, like a scar that can never be erased. A single violation of trust will plant the seed of doubt in a relationship and it will never be the same again.

After all, if a person has abused the trust once, how do we know said person will not do it again? Say bye bye to trust as doubt and second guessing poison the relationship.

Do not ever violate the trust if you value the relationship, and your reputation.

This is not a dare, this is simply my advice to those who want peace of mind in their relationship, who want a relationship that can withstand slanders, who value the sense of security with their love one.

Trust me, don't maltreat trust.

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