22 January 2009


These are my indicators (out of 100) at this very moment:

Chinese New Year mood = 5

Holiday mood = 70

Pissed-o-meter regarding Mr Memory's "vanishing act" = 30

Amusement from Mr Memory's e-mail exchange = 55

Tiredness = 95

Depressed for no apparent reason = 25

Pissed-o-meter regarding Live Messenger error = 15

Chinese New Year anticipation = 10

Holidays to rest and sleep like a pig anticipation = 200

00:30 to 02:00 hours meeting anticipation = -100

Creativity for more indicator category = 0

So, what about your indicators?

Come on, share share! =)


江边鸟 said...

busy until no time to pang sai: 95%

busy chatting in msn: ??%

Wanted to write entries for my cambodia trip: 100%

Wanted to write but no time: 100%

Anonymous said...

Chinese New Year anticipation = 50

What to cook for Hsiang today = 100

What to do with Hsiang today = 100