15 November 2007

Harly Potter and the Heart-shaped Stone (3)

At that exact moment all the lights in the house went out. The street lights silhouetted a gaint of a man standing in front of the door, his head well above the door frame.

Within the pitch black house a few things happened.

The man in front of the door said "Oops!"

Aunt Pertunia upstairs said "Oopsy daisy!"

Uncle Vernon squeaked like a girl.

Dorly squeaked like a boy and fainted.

Harly gasped with a sharp intake of breath.

"Who are you and what do you want? I don't know anything about all the stolen lingerie in the underground room within my garage!" Uncle Vernon said nervously.

"What?!?!" Exclaimed Harly and the man at the door.

"Hagrid's the name and I am here fer Harly. Why dontcha turn on the light so we can see bett'r?" Said the man at the door.

"You are the one who made the lights went out, why are you asking me to fix it?" Retorted Vernon.

"Verny dear? Could you go flip on the main switch please for I dropped my hair dryer in the bath tub and it must have blown the fuse." Pertunia shouted from upstairs.

"Oh..." Sheepishly Vernon went about to restore electricity to the house and soon it was well lit again.

"Sorry 'bout the door, guess I mightta knocked a tad too heavily, but no worries, let me fix it real quick." Stepping into the house Hagrid pulled out a pink umbrella from his overcoat. He waved the umbrella at the door and mumbled something under his breath, the door flew back to the frame and repaired itself.

"How dare you!" Vernon turned purple with anger, pointing a finger at Hagrid.

"What's the matt'r? It's just a simple bit of magic." Said Hagrid.

"Simple magic eh? Pff! You repaired the door the wrong way round! Yelled Vernon.

"Opps! Never been the same since they snapped me wand in half. Hey Harly, why are yer so pale and wide eye?"

"I... I... saw something I wish I hadn't." Harly replied with a disgusted look.

"What? The magic? But surely yer are used to it by now Harly? Did they not tell yer?

"I forbid you to say anymore!" Yelled Vernon, facing Harly.

"Yer didn't tell Harly? All these years? Harly doesn't know?"

"You don't understand, I am protecting my family. Harly, you are not to say anything to this man, nor listen to him."

"The hell with yer! I can't believe yer didn't tell Harly about the truth all these years." Hagrid was angry. "Listen to me carefully Harly, yer need to know this."

A pause.

"Harly, I am yer father!"
(to be continued...)

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