16 December 2019

Sucked in

So I got back yesterday night.

My luggage didn't.

Never happened to me before, until I travelled with a colleague who told me her delayed luggage experience.

Darn jinxed.

Oh well, at least it's on my return trip instead of outbound.

Gotta think positive.

Anyway, thought I am finally back to my 06:50 to 16:20 hours routine.

And no, we don't count those hours where I work after I got home since it's not conducive to my slacker extraordinaire reputation.

My working hours are from 06:50 to 16:20, since you know, I am allergic to traffic congestion and all those selfish idiotic drivers who emerged at those rush hours.

Not conducive to my mental and emotional well being, them traffic and idiotic road users.

But life is cruel, the aftermath of the business trip doesn't let me off.

Not only had to rush a simulation in between all those (what I feel) unnecessary meetings, had to get all worked up by the traffic and those darn selfish road users since I got delayed past my 16:30 window, I got dragged into a late evening meeting when I got home.

First evening home where I could sit down with the family to have dinner, ended up in meeting while they ate without me.


Really, where the fish and duck is your work/life balance people?

Darn workaholics, just let me go, let me go~

Other |runaway rants| category entries.

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