20 May 2014


I actually have a draft titled 'office politics' dated earlier this month, I haven't found the time and mood to touch that up. Maybe I will eventually, or maybe it will just join the many unposted drafts that I have accumulated since the beginning of this blog. slacker point +1

This entry is somewhat related to that entry, I could have just expanded that entry but I simply am too tired today for a long entry. Mentally tired.

So this is supposedly a short one, just a record of the helplessness I felt at work.

There are many things that I want to do, many things I believe are right to get done now so they do not come back to bite us in the future.

Unfortunately they are linked and I am getting no where with the very first of the chain. While I can collect the necessary data to raise up the concern for these potential issues, which I did, I am not the one who makes the final call.

So frustrated and feel so helpless, knowing there's a potential time bomb but cannot get the others to realise and quickly resolve it.

Meh! >_<

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