13 February 2013

Random Thoughts

That adorable niece came and gone. Didn't manage to cuddle and hold her throughout the few days she was with us, darn.

Wifey, definitely the more amiable and likable of us two, so natural with kids, told me my niece let her hold the very first time they met each other.

Then she gotta rub it in, smugly holding the baby in front of me every chance she got. -_-

I want a daughter!

Being financially incapable aside, I seriously think I will spoil her rotten if I ever had a daughter. Yes I am bias and I don't care! =P

Anyway, at least my niece warmed up to me eventually and started throwing me her cute smile. ^_^


I just realised this Chinese New Year that, I haven't been giving out many ang pao since I got married, as it's done by wifey most of the time. She's the finance minister of the house after all. =)

This year, after expressing that I would like to give the kids ang pao too, she thoughtfully divided the amount we wanted to give into two packets, so I got to physically give them as well. She also started to pass me ang pao to give to others instead of giving them herself.

Thanks wifey, you are the best! ^_^


My piggifying mission is not going too well, so far I only had what I called a "lazy day" once. And that's because I had a minor flu and wasn't feeling well, hence the lie-in.

I have been eating more than usual though, bigger portion on regular meals and then snack in between. And there has been no badminton session.

All this chubbifying is putting me in danger of actually having a distinctive waistline instead of my usual non-existing waistline. A bulging tummy is a distinctive waistline!

Waistline does not exist in my straight and flat body shape (rectangle is a shape!), in case you are wondering. Just think of SpongeBob SquarePants and you will get it. What waistline? =P

My six, er... maybe four packs are merging into one! >_<

I am supposed to piggify more than chubbify this Chinese New Year, not the other way round...


Wifey is upgrading to Galaxy S III, meaning I can use the iPhone 3GS then.

Do I want to?

Can't bring a camera phone into the production floor or the lab, which is where I spend most of my working hours at.

I really just need a mobile phone for the phone function, and I hardly use that as it is. Okay, and SMS.

Do I really want all those other stuff that lead to people being apart, lost in their respective phone, when they actually sit next to each other?

That phenomenon irks me, and I don't want to be a part of it. When I took the trouble to go meet up and socialise (*gasp!*), I intend to do just that, thank you very much.

I guess the real question is: am I smart enough to use a smartphone? =P

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