09 February 2013

Mission: Piggify & Chubbify

Mission to piggify and chubbify myself started yesterday, basically sleep and eat, and sleep some more throughout the Chinese New Year holiday. I am taking a long leave. ^_^

Well, didn't go off to a good start (but I am not really complaining).

First a d'oh moment when the alarm clock woke me up at 07:00 hours yesterday because I set it wrongly, supposed to set it to 09:00 hours. Yea, d'oh!

Then despite being on leave, I attended and presented my findings in the 09:00 hours task force meeting. At least the chairperson was appreciative and commented on my dedication. (slacker point -1, feel good +1)

Off to have my car serviced after the meeting, only it's a tad late by the time I left home. Never one who likes to be late, I changed plan and headed straight to the lunch meet location first. Got the cheque banked in and the letter posted and still was early for the lunch, fantastic!

Lunch with 13 colleagues, some of them friends by now, was an enjoyable event. Not only did I took a positive step in chubbifying myself, also recruited a new member to the photography group. I am also going to chalk this up as socialising +1. =)

After goodbyes I went to pick up a book in the mall and headed to service my car. Started reading the book while waiting for the mechanic to do his stuff, only paused to check when fresh engine oil was added to make sure he gave me the real fully synthetic oil.

Pretty much done with what I set out to do after the car service so I headed home, thinking to give the car another wash. The car wash didn't happen, I went and soaked myself in the pool instead.

With the kids, a not-too-happy-in-the-pool niece, brother, and sister-in-law, that is. ^_^

Then chubbified myself at dinner and settled the kid to bed. Made brother and sister-in-law played board game with me after that, hehe. =P (geek +1)

A happening and satisfying day really, just didn't do very well on the piggifying myself front. =P

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