26 December 2012

Subjugated Mind

My blood is pumped full of medicine, antibiotics and what not.

I could just imagine it, an influx of these synthetic chemical warriors into my bloodstream, battling the bacteria and whatever that's causing the infection.

My only hope is that this reinforcement will finally turn the tide of battle, winning it where my natural defence and Chinese medicine had utterly failed me thus far.

Much as I prefer to let my body takes its course and recovers naturally, the throat infection has gone on well over a week with no sign of getting better despite all I did and refrained from doing. Though honestly, if that's the only discomfort I would have stayed my course.

The real killer that finally broke me down and made me go see a doctor is the incessant coughing. Racking coughs that are hurting my lungs and muscles, and caused me to be sleepless every night.

Every, single, night.

I am so tired. I am wrecked.

So I gave in and spent the one hour for commute and waiting for a two minutes consultation in order to get the medicine. Sorry to put it this way (which is the truth nevertheless), never did like to go see a doctor.

Wifey said one of the drugs I was given looks like a mild form of morphine, good for suppressing cough. Not sure if that's really the medicine but I did cough less after the medication this afternoon, but I am also feeling lightheaded and kind of weird. I hope it's just because I am so knackered.

Here's hoping the synthetic chemicals will do their magic, there is a task force ongoing, I cannot afford to be sick.

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