07 July 2010

Nobody but Banana

After the numerous brain washings I have finally succumbed, the final straw broke when I was on my way back from the clinic a few days ago, semi-delusional from the 39+ degree Celcius cooking my brain.

I am now convinced that the producer of Wonder Girls' freaking popular
Nobody song is a farmer!

Or to be more precise, a banana plantation owner.

Among the lyrics which are basically gibberish to me, the only sentence I understand is the English chorus of: "I want nobody nobody but you".

Only they are not saying "you" but something else, something that sounds to me like "jiu", which in Cantonese is banana.

I think there's a hidden message in that song that's assaulting our subconsciousness, because everytime I hear this song, which is way too frequently no thanks to MyFM numerous airings, I automatically think of banana.

Come on people, the ladies don't want anybody, they want bananas!

Sorry monkeys, ladies first. Go ask your big brother King Kong, he understood.

Yes, I too think I have fried my brain. =P

1 comment:

江边鸟 said...

Actually they are singing "I want nobody nobody bak jiu"

They want nobody's eyes. And they swallow the s because it's too difficult to be pronounce in song ~