28 April 2010

Team Name

The season for the annual departmental Olympic Games has started. I am not in the committee this year so it was a surprise when I found out that I am assigned to team F and the first event, badminton competition, will commence in two weeks' time.

Jeez, talk about abruptness!

Hey, I am not a committee this year so I can bitch and complain all I want, muahahahaa! Oooh, and trash-talk without worrying about being perceived as being unfair. =P

Heard that the committee consists of a grand total of two persons and the team assignment is supposedly by random. So they say, since no one saw it done, no announcement or notice beforehand and BAM! Competition in two weeks.

Anyway, my team is still in the stage of getting a team name, and consists of colleagues that I have never heard of, not to mention seen. Either the department has done a lousy job of introducing new employees, or my social circle is just pathetic. The later is veli the possible.

So, team name eh?

Well, I prefer team name that is funny and not so arrogant sounding. Since it's just a game, let's not be so serious and also we won't look so bad when we lose. =P

Imagine the jibes you'll get if your team was named The Winner and you lost, or No Mercy but being mercilessly defeated by The Merciful (true story!). People would rub it in until it became a permanent part of you...

Funny or silly team names? No problemo, pick and mix as you see fit!

Atomic Apples
Blue Boogies
Cool Cucumbers
Dreaming Doo-doos
Experiment E
Funny Fools
Formula F
Gassy Geeks
Hot Heels
Hot Potatoes
Rotten Tomatoes
Sheer Dumb Luck

Game on!


江边鸟 said...

The Last Olympians... :)

CK said...

That name is not funny nor silly and will lead people to think you come last.

But it'll likely be the team name since the captain proposed it...

江边鸟 said...

the captain proposed it but it also won majority's vote ~

CK said...

Yes, and it's my belief that there is a direct link between the number of votes to the fact that the voters knew the name was proposed by the captain.

Just my belief, nothing more.