13 April 2010

Boleh-land (part deux)

Just want to have a follow up on this subject from the previous entry and share what little I found out.

Long story short, since Friday last week, damnable SmartTAG/Touch'n Go system at Lunas toll station messed up my card three times in a roll. For three consecutive working days, be it using SmartTAG or Touch'n Go lane, the craptastic system gave me error. So I have been a regular at the Touch'n Go office these three days to unblock my card.


These are the things I gathered from the various Touch'n Go employees encountered these few days. Mind you these are just things they said, which may or may not be true since you know, one of the employees said using Touch'n Go instead of SmartTAG in BKE can avoid the problem but I have proven that it didn't work, fooked up system still threw me the "kad tak sah" error (see comment in the previous entry).

1. eTiQa cards are more prone to error (yea, mine was an eTiQa card)

2. Lunas toll station is updating their system, saying current system is giving some cards error (see #1). Employee there said two or three more days till upgrade is complete

3. Employees at Kubang Semang and Penang Bridge offices are well aware of the problematic system, they simply choose to operate as it is and let the unlucky ones (like me) pay them daily visit to unblock the card until #2 is done (assuming #2 is really happening)


What I did in response to what I found out:

1. I have transferred the balance on my eTiQa card to a new card, at a cost of RM10

2. I am sceptical about this claim, really they are finally doing something about it? Hallelujah! And two or three days to update? Must be like a huge overhaul of both hardware and software *sarcasm*, or maybe just the efficiency of Boleh-land? Boleh! Nevertheless I will pray that it's true, if tomorrow it gave me error again with my new card, I am sticking to the cash lane for the remaining of this week and try again next week

3. Nothing I can do about their (Boleh!) attitude, so I got myself another Touch'n Go card from the Penang Bridge office today. So if they messed up my first card, I am sticking to cash lane until I reach the bridge to use this spare card. In that way I still get the RM5.60 discounted bridge toll instead of paying them RM7.00 for THEIR mistake (Boleh!). Since you know, not everyone finishes work at 5:00pm and even if they did, could instantly teleport themselves to the nearest TnG office to unblock their cards (TnG offices open until 5:00pm only)

Three days in a roll, yea I am damn suay! >_<

Again for good measure... Boleh!

On a totally unrelated note:

One of my random acts of kindness a while ago resulted in a free lunch today, takeaway McD delivered all the way to ulu place! Absolutely unexpected but felt really warm and fuzzy about the sweet gesture. Thanks Miss Hawaii!

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