04 April 2010

McD & Me

Before the move to ulu place, my craving for McDonald's was usually satisfied at the McD restaurant either in Sunshine Square or Queensbay Mall. You know, a lunch out with colleagues capitalising on the 12 to 3 value meal discount.

After moving to ulu place which has no McD (yes, the horror!), I can only satisfy my McD craving in the weekend, and it's usually at either Sunrise Tower or Tesco.

Recently, over the course of several weeks, probably 6 or more, I noticed a curious thing.

Everytime I visit the McD in Tesco, no matter if I chose the shorter queue, I would always end up being at the "slow counter", those customers at the other queue would get their food and went on their merry ways long before I got mine.

It seems like whenever I go to McD in Tesco, I would always encounter one or more of the following:

(1) customer in front of me who orders large quantity of food, probably for a party somewhere

(2) customer in front of me who simply couldn't decide what s/he wants and takes ages deciding, just to change her/his mind after the order is keyed in

(3) customer in front of me who simply couldn't decide which toy to get with the Happy Meal

(4) customer in front of me who asks how much to "go large" after the regular meal is served and decides to have the large meal then

(5) cashier who is the slowest of them all

(6) cashier who simply wanders off doing something else when it's my turn

Oh McD in Tesco, why do you hate me so? =P

Just my luck I guess. >_<

Seriously, how difficult is it to decide what you want to get before it's your turn at the counter? And just how long does it take to say "Eating in/Take away, I like to have a regular/large <insert choice here> Meal please. Coke please. Nope that's all." Took me about 10 seconds everytime for the ordering part.

Indecisive people, meh! It's supposed to be fast food ler!

As for the McD in Sunrise, I haven't encountered the "always get slow counter" phenomenon so far, but I did get the "chicken and duck talk" phenomenon. I made my order in English and the cashier answered in Malay, asked what I wanted for drink in Malay, I answered in English, she asked if I wanted anything else in Malay, I answered again in English, she told me the cost in Malay. The kuai lo behind me hastily changed to the other queue which the cashier speaks English in reply to order made in English.

Shame on you Malay cashier girl, if the customer speaks in English, be courteous to use English ler! I am sure McD wouldn't put you at the counter if you couldn't speak English.

Everything above was real life experience.


PS =! play station said...

MCD, i want MCD ever since i move to US i not even eat MCD for one month d :-p even here cincai go out can see bunch of fastfood. But too bad all my friend is family type always like cooking one. So hai i need to benchmark also. My Poor MCD please wait for me another 5monthS:D

CK said...


5 months no McD?!?!? 0_o

Ai meh?