11 April 2010


This is the second time the temperamental BKE SmartTAG system messed up my Touch'n Go card.

For those who have never experienced it, faulty SmartTAG system will block your Touch'n Go card, giving you the invalid card error (kad tak sah). Sometimes the blocked card can still be used in Touch'n Go lane, most of the time it no longer works for both SmartTAG and Touch'n Go lanes.

When you get this error, what you have to do is to feel vengeful and go cause a jam at the SmartTAG or Touch'n Go lane, and refuse to budge until someone approaches the jammed lane to sort you out.

Just kidding, please don't do that. =P

That's selfish and inconsiderate, and you would get a healthy dose of swearings and angry stares from the impatient drivers behind you. Since everybody knows that it's your fault the system messed up *sarcasm*.

What you should do when you get the invalid card error, is to use the cash lane for the time being until you get your card unblocked at any Touch'n Go office.

That's what I did last Friday, I went to the Touch'n Go office at Penang Bridge, and here's where the Boleh-land story evolved.

"Encik, problem di BKE SmartTAG, kad tak sah, boleh tolong unblock?"

"Nah, sudah siap." *returned Touch'n Go card*

"Terima kasih. Ini second time card kena block di BKE SmartTag loh."

"BKE SmartTAG memang sentiasa ada problem, guna Touch'n Go kat BKE."

"Sudah tahu BKE SmartTAG sentiasa ada problem, bila nak fix?"

"Guna Touch'n Go kat BKE, jangan guna tu SmartTAG." (didn't answer my question)

"I guna BKE tiap-tiap hari lar encik, that's why I beli SmartTAG. SmartTAG ada problem fix lar, ask people guna Touch'n Go mengapa nak ada itu SmartTAG?"

"..." *calls for next customer*

For those who don't understand Malay, the gist of the converstion is that the guy in the Touch'n Go office acknowledged that the SmartTAG system at BKE has problem, it's already known for a while. His suggestion to me when I told him it's already the second time I encountered this problem, is to use the Touch'n Go lane at BKE instead of the SmartTAG lane.

Yup, instead of fixing the problem, they want us to use the more time consuming alternative that totally defeats the purpose of having the SmartTAG system.

Boleh! >_<

1 comment:

CK said...

Card got blocked again today.

It's particularly frustrating as being a tad paranoid after Friday's episode, I chose to use the Touch'n Go instead of the SmartTAG today.

And still system error!

Encik at Penang Bridge TnG office, what do you say now?

Damn you Touch'n Go system at Lunas toll station! Damn you to hell!

Me damn suay. =(