12 April 2009

There's Something More About Nelson

Remember this entry with the lovely image below?


Well, I realised I haven't been promoting Nelson for a while, which is not good, since it's one of the few things I promised to do in 2009, kind of like resolution...

Similar to the previous entry, it goes without saying that I am only sharing what Nelson has done or said and not something made up. Just presenting facts so you know Nelson better and draw your own conclusion.

A picture says a thousand words, so here goes...

sleeping beauty catching up on his beauty sleep

All photos courtesy of Polly.

Polly took his time and leisure taking these photos from different angles and zoom range since Nelson was blissfully in la la land at that time and was oblivious to what's happening around him. Sweet dream.

One wonders what Nelson does at night leading to such an exhausted state? Or could it be the stress of his job, i.e. chatting online and surfing Facebook? Surely it cannot be because of his secondary job of tooling design, right? Or was it just a heavy lunch? Hmm...

All his lunch buddies know he is ever so busy on instant messaging (his primary job after all), having to wait for him to send his numerous "ttyl" (talk to you later) whenever asking him to leave his seat for lunch, a process that takes at least ten minutes and upwards of thirty, imagine the number of chat windows he has active!

the slacker extraordinaire wasn't happy being caught working when his neighbour was slacking

So here you go, something more about Nancy/Nelson.


Unknown said...

I see that my pics are being put to good use...!!! :)

江边鸟 said...

I want to appeal!!!!

CK said...

Polly, yes indeed, mightily good photos they are, capturing the moment and all that. Else people may think we are making all these up about Nelson.

Nelson, go ahead and appeal, sorry to inform you that I am subjected to neither the court of birds or the laws of bisexuality. =P