03 September 2023

Facial hair

It has been a long while since I last clean-shaved my facial hair.

I kept my facial hair throughout the 100 days after mommi passed away, as my show or respect and mourning.

But before that I have already been keeping my facial hair, so it has really been a long while since I was last clean-shaven.

While wifey prefers me to be clean-shaven, I don't really have a preference. To me it's more to do with mood.

For months I have kept the trimmed facial hair look. To me that look better reflects my life: not smooth, but I am trying to make the best of it, to keep it somewhat under control.

Now that the 100 days are over, and wishing for a change to the better in September, I clean-shaved this morning.

To me it's a very obvious difference in my look, but as usual, none of the family members noticed. No mystery there, just my insignificance at home.

Other |hyped up heads up| category entries.

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