17 December 2022


The new patch released this week has given Diablo Immortal some new lives, there is a new questline in new area, some changes that made it more casual and solo-friendly, like being able to do the raid solo, and easier ways to get legendary and set item.

These changes are to my liking, though of course it's still a multiplayer game at heart and those who play in group and warband will progress faster, but at least there is viable path to play solo.

Giving player more options instead of a forced playstyle is always good in my book.

Well, the thing is, there is this limited-time offer in Blizzard's Battle.net launcher that is really tempting me: buy Dragonflight and get 30 days of game time. Offer ends 3rd of January 2023.

Is it time for me to return to World of Warcraft? Do I have the time for World of Warcraft?

Other |geeky gaming| category entries.

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