10 July 2022


The coming Monday and Tuesday being replacement holidays, today's the second day of my four days long weekend.

I have worked three hours yesterday (Saturday) and five hours today (Sunday). To be honest I am used to it by now, numb is probably a better word.

After working for five hours since I woke up, I progressed to a stage where I can call it a day. So I did, and had my late lunch.

It's lunch alone since wifey was out chauffeuring the kids to basketball. The kettle was on but the water hadn't boiled by the time I finished my lunch.

So I took a can of Coke from the fridge and the novel I am currently reading and went to the lounge with the natural light from the balcony, to wait on the kettle.

It's there and then, sitting in the couch, in a peaceful and quiet house with only the birds chirpping, reading an enjoyable novel, and sipping chilled Coke, that I felt contented.

I am a simple person, hoping for a simple life. I don't need much, that moment there was blissful to me.

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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