18 March 2021

I went out (10)

Since the previous entry of this series, I was out of the house five times, so my total out of the house count stands at 53 as of today.

49th outing: went out to BP lab for flu vaccination on 24th of January, it's during the MCO2.0 period so I am glad I was stopped by the police's road block to enquire why I was out and about, thanks for diligently doing your duty!

50th outing: went to office on 27th of January wanting to pick up a validation unit that I helped designed, but that last system was not working, so went out for nothing.

51st outing: went to office on 2nd of February to pick up a validation unit, got an older version system for my second attempt. Bought lunch home from Batu Lanchang market.

52nd outing: went out on 21st of February to deliver Chinese New Year gift to a dear friend, who's more like family. Took the opportunity to drive the car to keep its battery healthy since it's been more than two weeks.

53rd outing: went to office on 17th of March primarily to spend the meal subsidy money, bought lunch home from Batu Lanchang market.

As of 18th of March, a year and a day (366 days) have past since the beginning of Movement Control Order on 18th of March in 2020. I have been out of the house 53 times in 52 weeks, so 1.02 times per week on average, or about once every 6.9 days.

Yes I am out of the house about once a week on average for the whole year. Trust me I could have stayed home more, contentedly, and not go out if I didn't have some of the obligations. I did and am still doing my part in the fight against Covid-19.

Here are the main reasons I went out:
- drive around to keep car battery healthy: 9
- work at office: 20
- bank: 1
- grocery: 1
- pick up takeaway meal: 8
- dine in restaurant: 1
- clinic: 2
- customer service: 1
- car service: 2
- pet shop: 1
- chauffeur duty: 5
- law firm: 2

Other |temperamental thoughts| category entries.

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