It's both hilarious and sad to see those who pro or anti a certain country, political party, race or whatever really, who are so sure of their righteousness that they simply closed off and write off anything that's opposing their view.
They are so sure of the information they get from whichever media that they reject anything the locals who are actually living in the thick of it think or say. To these people, the locals are just brain-washed, the locals are being suppressed, the foreigners who actually went to live in the thick of it to experience it first hand are just liars, or paid by the opposite view.
Living in another country, anything that doesn't agree with the second hand information they received singing to their tune, is fake, filtered or just lie. There is only one "right" view, and that's their view.
Funny how they insist on enforcing their way of life, their notion of everything really, to someone else, regardless of what the locals actually feel or think, because they know best. The locals don't know what's good for them, the locals deserve better, what's good or better is of course by their definition.
Really, don't believe everything you read (including my view), since they are more often than not, bias according to the writer's perspective or personal agenda.
The locals living in the thick of it are not idiots. They know what they want, they know what's good or not good for them. They can make their own choice.
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