25 February 2021


Had an online teambuilding today, the teambuilding event for this quarter.

Involved just the immediate group so only a small number of people, split to three teams.

Played three games: a drawing game, a scavenger hunt, and an escape room game.

One of the team members did similar drawing game before and had a smart way of doing it, which he set up for us and we proceeded to paint a rather nice image, if I say so myself.

The scavenger hunt game started off with a few of us unable to access the game site so we skipped the first mission and proceeded to the next with the game marshal sharing her screen. We did all subsequent missions pretty efficiently so we ended up with time to spare.

The game marshal then persuaded us to do the last dance mission (we initially wanted to skip it), and even after we completed it we still had time to spare so the two who could access the game site completed the first scavenger hunt mission by themselves.

The escape room game is of course my favourite, puzzle solving and code breaking, what's not to like? =) All smart people in the team so we escaped the fastest among the three teams.

In fact, we did so well in all three games we were the champion team. No prize whatsoever but like what we said to the game marshal, we share the glory. ^_^

Other |enjoyable events| category entries.

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